The Student Room Group


Strange little issue, everytime I brush my teeth this one tooth starts bleeding even with the mimimal amount of brushing.

It doesnt hurt during the day or even when brushing, just...bleeds, quite a lot sometimes, its a tooth in front of a tooth with a old filling but other than that I cant see any problems with it.

Worth seeing a dentist about? I think it may be that everytime I brush it I disturb the clotting/healing and set it off again but i'm not sure.
Is it round the gum-line? It sounds to me like there could have been a build-up of plaque, which you have got rid of, I had that once on a molar.
Reply 2
yes it is the gumline, sounds like your idea could be right
I used to have a tooth that did that, not a lot, but a bit, and it was annoying, so I started brushing and flossing extra carefully, and even though at first it bled a little more what with the vigorous brushing, after a few days it stopped altogether. Hooray!
yep, you need to see a dentist and he will give you a special cream, the same thing was with me and this cream helped =)
bleeding gums murphy
Reply 6
just try not to brush that one tooth as hard you want to give it time to heal just very very gently brush until you are sure that the gumline area has healed xxx
Reply 7
Strange little issue, everytime I brush my teeth this one tooth starts bleeding even with the mimimal amount of brushing.

It doesnt hurt during the day or even when brushing, just...bleeds, quite a lot sometimes, its a tooth in front of a tooth with a old filling but other than that I cant see any problems with it.

Worth seeing a dentist about? I think it may be that everytime I brush it I disturb the clotting/healing and set it off again but i'm not sure.


This sounds very similar to what I currently suffer from. It will be your gums that are bleeding, rather than your actual tooth.

Now for me it began with one tooth, and has now spread to more.

My dentist told me it was plaque, and after removing some I assumed it would get better, it however has not.

So I'm now using Corsodyl, which is a mouthwash which is actually supposed to treat bleeding gums. Use this twice a day for a month and it should sort the problem out.

My advice though is don't ignore it. As apparently bleeding gums can cause tooth loss in later life. Has certainly scared me anyway.