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makeshiftwings how good is that in old school terms? Someone said a first standard was 70% and over, that case its not that bad, but what does everyone else know?

That is quite respectable. Bear in mind that university standard is far higher than school and that anything over 70% is fantastic with 55% - 69% being above decent - very good. Also consider that the pass mark is 40%.
Reply 2
That kind of mark will lead to a "drinker's degree" otherwise known as a 2:2.
Reply 3
That kind of mark will lead to a "drinker's degree" otherwise known as a 2:2.


Alot of them up north then...
Reply 4
Depending on how much work I put in and what the module was I would have been disapointed with 55% but it really does depend on how much effort you put in and how hard the module was. With some modules I was happy with 50% with some I was disapointed with 70% (purely becuase some person would get a higher mark than me) :tongue:.
Reply 5

Alot of them up north then...

Judging by my northern friends I would have to say yes! :wink: :p:
my pass mark is 50% anything from 60-75% is a merit and anything above 75% a distinction (for medicine)
Reply 7
I'd be happy with that! I've just handed in my first assignment and am expecting to fail it in style!
Reply 8
I got a 56 once and it did bothered me quite a bit. It's not a grade to become sucidial over, but it's not really good either. 60+ is good/very good, 70+ is VERY good/excellent.
Reply 9
I got 33% for my first tutorial assignment, which was fair as I left it to the last minute and didn't do all I was asked. It wasn't even a proper assignment either, it was about piggin information sources, grrrr.....
Reply 10
Its a mid to high 2.2 depending on what your 2.2 threshold is. Some peoples 2.1 is 60% and above but some get one at 58%. Its not terrible if its your first assignment.
Reply 11
That kind of mark will lead to a "drinker's degree" otherwise known as a 2:2.

The good old Desmond!
Reply 12
58.5% for a 2:1 in my case.

Lets hope they are not any Desmond's who get a 2:2! He may get confused with a vicar and people may knick some lead of the roof of his church.

I think I got about 57% for my first assignment, the first ones are always hard becuase you really don't know what standard they are expecting.

By the time I got to my third year I had a very good idea what mark I would get for things before I handed them in. I got 70% in my final year project so that saved me.

Just work hard in the first year but put your energy into the second and third.The second year was easy marks for me becuase I worked damn hard but wasn't stressed so picked up a good 18% of my degree.
Reply 13
I got a 68 for my first essay and since I wasn't used to the British system I was like :eek: wtf??? And my tutor kept smiling and saying it was good and I was like "what the hell have you smoked man?" (We have our high school diploma marks in % back at home and I graduated with a 97% so I thought 68% was the crappiest mark ever in my life).
Classifications at most places work out as:

70+ = First
60-69 = 2(i)
50-59 = 2(ii)
40 -49 = 3
Reply 15
And then everything lower than 40 means failed? Or is 3 failed? Is 2:2 good? The system is so different :eek: lol
Reply 16
I got a 68 for my first essay and since I wasn't used to the British system I was like :eek: wtf??? And my tutor kept smiling and saying it was good and I was like "what the hell have you smoked man?" (We have our high school diploma marks in % back at home and I graduated with a 97% so I thought 68% was the crappiest mark ever in my life).

We get alot of internationals over here like that. Anything less than 70 is a tragedy for them and we are like nono thats a good mark. My tutor told me last year that you have to be a genius pretty much to get more than 76% on our course.
And then everything lower than 40 means failed? Or is 3 failed? Is 2:2 good? The system is so different :eek: lol

1st good
2.1 pretty decent this is what most people want to get
2.2 is ok fairly decent pass anyway
3rd pretty much just a pass and below that is a fail.

At my uni below 45 was a fail you had to get over 45 for a 3rd
55 is a mid 2.2 (boundary for a 2.2 is 50% to 60%)

My first mark at uni was 62, though I had an essay in for the same deadline that I got back later at 60. If id have got a 45 I might have actually upped my input, but instead i just coasted to a 2.1.

There was a mature student on my course, not sure how old as I never got to know him but at least 45-60 years old. He was doing a Law degree for fun - he got 82% on one assignment. The Lecturer announced it, I was like wtf!? I know he got a first overall but as I didnt know him very well thats the only mark I know of his.
Are you in first year? If so, I don't see why you should be ashamed. Tbh I remember getting about that for one of my first essays :redface:

But then slammed it by the end of the year and started averaging about 70% :biggrin:

In the arts :p: In the sciences, well that's a whole different basket of fruit but I imagine I would've done okay (60-70 average), otherwise I won't be getting my degree at the end of this year, hey! :smile:
Reply 19
Do your first year marks count towards your overall degree?