The Student Room Group

Keep pushing them away

I;ve had problems with my so-called mates since I started college last year. So many times they have left me out and not involved me in stuff. I've made other friends, but I only really talk to them at college, as they all live far away from me. Anyway, the point of this is that my friend has just rung me inviting me to the cinema with some old friends. As soon as she asked, I said I was already busy, even though I'm not. I don't know why I did it though. :confused: just feel a bit guilty now!
Reply 1
i have that problem sometimes just phone back and say you thought you were busy but you are not and say you would love to go you do not want to spoil it go on enjoy yoursef hun xxx i know it can be hard!
but tbh i don't think i want to.....though a small part of me thinks i should go to prevent myself from becoming the social outcast (well a bigger one than i already am!)
Reply 3
ok just keep with your busy and say you will definitley go another time xxx