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Alis tests predictions for my A levels

The Alis tests are rubbish they predicted me CCC for my A levels even though im predicted AAA and everyone at school is predicted really low grades how does this thing work :confused:
For example last year, a guy was predicted EED and he managed to get AAB therefore are these tests even reliable or just a hoax.
Our school is investigating whether they apply to a school like ours since it has a large number of asian students and the tests dont seem to be showing the actual results the pupils recieve overall.

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Reply 1
Its Crap!!

What Do Computers Know!!
Reply 2
Take no notice!
Yer its sh*te in a tin effectively - it predicted i'd get a B at A-level Art, even though I failed my Year 9 Art Exam after drawing a stick man in a tunnel, didn't take it at GCSE as a consequence (i have no artistic ability whatsoever), but still i can apparently get a B in it at A-level :confused:
Reply 4
What difference does the amount of Asian students in the school make?
Reply 5
What difference does the amount of Asian students in the school make?

I dont know the teachers were saying different ethnic backgrounds have different strengths and weaknesses due to culture, something like that anyway
Do the ALIS people analyse final results of students compared to their predictions? i.e compare your results in two years and see where they went wrong/right?
Reply 7

i agree they're pretty rubbish!

It basically looks at your GCSE grades, if i remember correctly it also asks a few questions about your work habits or semthing, was such a long time ago, i can't remember entirely what happened! Also, there were some tasks to complete, within a time limit!

Maybe someone who has done it more recently can shed some more light, i've forgotten about it lol!

Reply 8
The Alis tests are rubbish they predicted me CCC for my A levels even though im predicted AAA and everyone at school is predicted really low grades how does this thing work :confused:
For example last year, a guy was predicted EED and he managed to get AAB therefore are these tests even reliable or just a hoax.
Our school is investigating whether they apply to a school like ours since it has a large number of asian students and the tests dont seem to be showing the actual results the pupils recieve overall.

The 'Alis' tests, you say? Well, small wonder, with a name like that: they even sound racially discriminatory.
Reply 9
U know when i was in AS i spent some of my time reading and doing crap like this
So.. the btm line is dont waste ur time.. jus study and revise..
Reply 10
Alis sounds awful.. and really doesn't seem to be doing a good job if its predicted grades are no where close the what people are actually getting... i agree, what do computers know?
I didn't take it and don't really know what it is, but I've heard from many people on here that it's completely inaccurate, so just ignore the CCC predictions some computer has given you, work hard and get the AAA your teachers have predicted you :smile:
Reply 12
i declined the option to declare my race on this test.
Reply 13
The Alis tests are rubbish they predicted me CCC for my A levels even though im predicted AAA and everyone at school is predicted really low grades how does this thing work :confused:
For example last year, a guy was predicted EED and he managed to get AAB therefore are these tests even reliable or just a hoax.
Our school is investigating whether they apply to a school like ours since it has a large number of asian students and the tests dont seem to be showing the actual results the pupils recieve overall.

Your school uses a computer to predict your grades??? :eek:

My college averages out AS levels grades, all marked homeworks and tests and then converts it to a grade using the boundaries for that particular board...
Never heard of them.. they sound like ****.
yeah, they are b*llacks. They say that people who get A's at AS get A's/B's at A2, those with B's at AS will get C's/D's at at A2.

Even so, do they these alis tests take in account of gcse resits? NO!!!
Basically Alis predictions are based on ur AS/GCSE grades and what other people with similar GCSE results/AS got for their AS/A2 Levels. I got my Alis predictions for my AS levels and they're really high due to my GCSE results but that's not always the case because I know people who got Ds in AS levels after getting A*s in GCSEs. I know this maths genius and she was predicted a B in maths but it was only because of her overall gcse score. I think it's very inaccurate since it doesnt take into account your personal strengths but it's satisfying if you do get above your target grades. Don't take them too seriously.
Reply 17
Alis is a waste of time.

I was predicted CCCD

But got 3A and a B.
Reply 18
Great! So we've established Alis tests are as good as useless. :smile:
Reply 19
Never heard of these before, so they can't be good...

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