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Reply 1
I did happened at the worst time of my life....its not a good feeling but what stopped me was the thought of how those around me would react...
Reply 2
Can I just say the mods will be watching this thread please be careful about what you say and don't discuss suicide methods.
Reply 3
dont worry we aint gonna do mass suicide over the net :biggrin:

yeah, i considered suiciding but just before i tried to suicide all good things in life flashes right before my eyes so i always end up abandoning the plan
Reply 4
Yeah i've thought about it, but knew i'd never have the balls to actually go through with it
Reply 5
Sounds silly, but it's comforting sometimes to know that's as bad as it could get. Kind of like a minimum boundary.
Reply 6
i have thought about it for a spilt second but i have so much to live for a whole life why would i want to destroy that in a moments thinking, even the times when ive cried and been so down i think of happy things keep a happy box in my room, with things that remind me people who love me(my mates letters and photos, funny things and gifts they have given me) it always makes me laugh also to wtch the vid on my phone of my best mate and me having the stupidest converstaion lol!!

people make me happy but some don;t
Reply 7
I tried just before I turned 17, very nearly managed it too, was extrememly ill after obviously, nearly had a heart attack because of it, lack of potassium, very strange feeling, was in hospital for quite a while after.
Yes.I took an overdose when I was 15.I was seriously rock bottom.I was desperately unhappy at school and in my life in general and couldn't see another solution.I ended up in hospital and it wasn't nice.

I did it again earlier on this year when I was going through a low patch and spent the whole night/day throwing up.Awful.

Don't do it.It is not the answer to your problems at all.
Reply 9
This is one of the things whirling in my mind at the moment. It's awful when your life seems to be stuck and nothing that would make a difference happens. I mean, you'll become desperate and it's like trying to get out of quicksand. The harder you try, the more you'll sink. Hopefully I'll manage it through, though.
i do admit that i do get occasional suicidal thoughts - dont think id ever actually go through with anything but... yes it does cross my mind
Anyone else ever seriously considered suicide? Or actualy attempted it?

Are you asking this out of curiosity or because its something that is affecting you personally ? I hope its the former.
Can I just say the mods will be watching this thread please be careful about what you say and don't discuss suicide methods.

theres actually a forum devoted to suicide methods :eek:

*will not post a link*
Reply 13
Anyone else ever seriously considered suicide? Or actualy attempted it?
There was a moment when I was literally shaking and I'm pretty certain I would have attempted it then, fortunately no means were available. And I texted someone who told me to pull myself together [in a nice way] and that seemed to help. :cool:

i think about suicide quite a lot when i'm near railway lines and holding aerosols that type of thing? is this normal? its generally in a very abstract way though
Reply 15
I'll be honest and say that it's crossed my mind, i was severely depressed over the summer and woke up every morning feeling ill because of it and thinking that it really wasn't worth going on.

But i knew that things eventually would get better, i'd see my mates which would relieve the feelings even if temporarily, and although it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, i knew it'd be there somewhere if i kept fighting to get there... and i feel at the moment like i'm pretty much there :smile:
Reply 16
i have attempted, but i wasnt rly lukin 2 kill myself, jus hurt myself, but im soo ova that now, cuz u realise its stupid and it aint worth it! believe me atm im goin thru a rly hard tym, i have soo much pressure on me and i fink im suffering 4m depression (wow even typing it makes me feel depressed), but believe me, think of when you like 18-20, FREEDOM! do what eva you want! trust me, always look to the future, but not like your 40s lol. jus think tht your better than every1 for a while, it makes u feel gd - but dont get stuck-up :p:
I'll be honest and say that it's crossed my mind, i was severely depressed over the summer and woke up every morning feeling ill because of it and thinking that it really wasn't worth going on.

But i knew that things eventually would get better, i'd see my mates which would relieve the feelings even if temporarily, and although it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, i knew it'd be there somewhere if i kept fighting to get there... and i feel at the moment like i'm pretty much there :smile:

same ere, but i wish i could find the flippin light!!!
Reply 17
yonks ago, maybe when I was 16, but tbh, everyone is depressed at that age, Then one of my best mates hung himself later that year even though he was popular and very clever.

That shook everyone up, and now i'd never contemplate it. infact I never really get depressed either.
Reply 18
Just wondering...ive known 2 but didnt know either of them closely at all. I mean you can look at statistics and such but i was just wondering how common suicide actually is? Not that im thinking of doing it!
Reply 19
I know someone who did