I really thought I would. Everyone warned me that I'd be living off pasta and bread and would turn into some kind of heffer (not that I'm some kind of pixie now..). So I've been making a real effort. For snacks and things I'v turned to homous and cucumber, and I try to have salad with stuff and not buy biscuits and that kind of thing. I ate like a pig at home but I find that now I'm cooking for myself and buying my own food it's much easier not too. And amazingly all that crap about how good you'll feel is totally true. I haven't had time to go to Tescos this week so I've been living off crap and I really can feel the difference.
Ever seen Supersize Me? Not that I'm saying that's like you - but remember how at the beginning he didn't even like MacDonalds and then he started craving it, even when he was throwing it up? If you eat junk food all the time, you will crave it, and the more you eat the more you will crave it. Vicious cycle.