The Student Room Group

Why did I get rejected from Bath?

I'm a new member and its my first post.

I applied to do economics at Oxford, LSE, Nottingham, Bath and York.
So far I have offers from
Oxford :eek:
LSE :biggrin:

I am still waiting for York. But I got a rejection from Bath and I don't understand why and was wondering if any of you would know why.

My AS results were, Maths(A) Further Maths(A) History(A) Economics(A) Biology(A)

My A2 predictions are; Maths A* Further Maths A* Economics A* and History A

I have already done General Studies in which I got an A*.

In my GCSE's I got 10A*, which was all of my GCSE's.

I just don't understand how I got offers from Oxford and LSE which are more competitive than Bath, but still get rejected from Bath.:confused:
(edited 14 years ago)

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Because most probably you didn't meet the quality that they look for in potential candidates, or during the interview they didn't like you at all

or they realised that with your grades you probably got into better universities, so they aren't going to waste an offer on you!
(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 2
Original post by Soppe
Because most probably you didn't meet the quality that they look for in potential candidates, or during the interview they didn't like you at all

or they realised that with your grades you probably got into better universities, so they aren't going to waste an offer on you!

Okay, I find your behaviour inappropriate, hopefully other members will be constructive with their replies.

And I got a straight rejection, no interview.
(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 3
Sometimes Unis do actually reject someone who looks like they'll get in somewhere much higher e.g Oxbridge and so on.
Sometimes the amount of people like you applying to a popular course so everyone they wanted couldn't get in...

You have an offer from Oxford, LSE and Nottingham. All 3 are brilliant Unis, so I'd stop worrying about why you didn't get an offer.
Reply 4
Original post by Helsy
Sometimes Unis do actually reject someone who looks like they'll get in somewhere much higher e.g Oxbridge and so on.
Sometimes the amount of people like you applying to a popular course so everyone they wanted couldn't get in...

You have an offer from Oxford, LSE and Nottingham. All 3 are brilliant Unis, so I'd stop worrying about why you didn't get an offer.

Thank you for your reply. I didn't know that some universities actually rejected students who they think will get into a better uni.
Reply 5
Because they have far fewer places than they do suitable applicants. *Shrugs* It happens, plenty of people get into top universities but rejected from others, I know somebody who was ONLY accepted into Cambridge.

It's nothing against you or your achievements, they just don't have the places. Perhaps they had an issue with a tiny part of your personal statement. Eventually they have to weed people out for the smallest of things.

Don't worry about it, move on, be happy with your other offers.
Reply 6
Probably thought that you would've applied to better uni's, that's the only explanation I can think of.
Why ask about the rejection from Bath? You got an offer from bloody Oxford! O_O
Reply 7
Original post by economics12
Thank you for your reply. I didn't know that some universities actually rejected students who they think will get into a better uni.

Yeah, it's actually apparently quite common with Durham Uni as well. They think that you're so good that you'll get an offer from somewhere really good and decide that they may as well give your place to someone else.
And they were right, you did get an offer from Oxford [wanders off looking jealous... :tongue:]
Original post by economics12

Original post by economics12
I'm a new member and its my first post.

I applied to do economics at Oxford, LSE, Nottingham, Bath and York.
So far I have offers from
Oxford :eek:
LSE :biggrin:

I am still waiting for York. But I got a rejection from Bath and I don't understand why and was wondering if any of you would know why.

My AS results were, Maths(A) Further Maths(A) History(A) Economics(A) Biology(A)

My A2 predictions are; Maths A* Further Maths A* Economics A* and History A

I have already done General Studies in which I got an A*.

In my GCSE's I got 10A*, which was all of my GCSE's.

I just don't understand how I got offers from Oxford and LSE which are more competitive than Bath, but still get rejected from Bath.:confused:

Don't worry, you've got an offer from Oxford :biggrin: :biggrin: (and LSE!!!)
Maybe they were looking for something specific in your personal statement? I know some people who were rejected from Soton for medicine but have got offers from oxbridge, so possibly?
Reply 9
Original post by Soppe
Because most probably you didn't meet the quality that they look for in potential candidates, or during the interview they didn't like you at all

or they realised that with your grades you probably got into better universities, so they aren't going to waste an offer on you!

also your a reh-tard! ha!

Reply 10
hey why not email them for feedback?
i think its not right to reject you for assuming that you are too good, i mean what if you want bath as a backup..

congraz on Oxford and LSE btw :smile:
Reply 11
Have you considered calling up or emailing Bath to ask why? They're normally quite helpful, in my experience.
Reply 12
Original post by Andre09
hey why not email them for feedback?
i think its not right to reject you for assuming that you are too good, i mean what if you want bath as a backup..

congraz on Oxford and LSE btw :smile:

Thank you. I have emailed them asking for feedback. And I don't think it is right just because a student can get offers from a better uni. I'm thinking York as a back up, that is if I get an offer.
Reply 13
Because they probably thought you would never pick them, so they just didn't bother.
Reply 14
Why do you care?
Reply 15
Original post by Stenner
Why do you care?

Because its not nice to get a rejection.
Reply 16
Probably just bad luck. With the offers you have already, I personally wouldn't care.
Reply 17
Why am I getting negative reputation for posting this thread?
Original post by economics12
Because its not nice to get a rejection.

Of course it's not but you just have to remember that they are seeing far more worthy applications than they can possibly accommodate. They have to reject hundreds of people with top grades and perfectly respectable applications because there isn't a way they can accept them all.

You've presumably got the place you really wanted in Oxford so just let this one go, chalk it up as a loss and focus on actually getting those grades. Obsessing over a rejection that was probably for some incredibly petty reason won't help you pass your exams.

Congratulations on the offers you do have, now work towards getting there!
Reply 19
Lol don't worry about the rep in the thread.

Congrats on the other offers, if its really annoying you then ask for feedback from them but again congrats on Oxford. ^^

All the best. :h: