Have you ever felt guilty about kissing other guys, and not been able to see any as a potential boyfriend, or reciprocate their advances, because you like another guy so much? Even though he's got a girlfriend. Even though you can see he has bad qualities and these other guys are 'better' (says society's ideals) but you just don't care, and want him. So badly. Even though he ****ing KNOWS you like him, and is still with his girlfriend (even though they've been on the rocks for a few months at least). Even though you know there's other girls who like him too, and you dont like competition. Have you? What can I do?
I told him like 3 weeks ago..I half wish I hadn't, as now I feel lonely, as although he said he'd "be happier with me than his current gf" and nice stuff like that...he's still with her...for ****'s sake..I'm 17..going to uni next year.. leaving this town..i want to start a relationship now, to see if it could go anywhere. At the very least, I could picture being long life friends with this guy, but maybe I'm deluded.
edit: arg. I cant leave it. Im constantly thinking about him, we get on really well, share interests and music taste. Have similar opinions. He defends me. I would do anything for him. My stomach's all butterflyey. He's what i think of when i wake up and go to sleep. It isnt fair.