The Student Room Group

Should i trust my friends?

There's this guy who ive been getting to know and there are times when he doesnt reply to some of my texts. For example the other day he said 3 times that he'd let me know if he was gonna be going out for a birthday party and he didnt otherwise hed meet up with me. I was kind of pissed off so sent him a text sayin ' thanks for letting me know'. he then replied later on sayin 'so im in the bad books now then' and because I couldnt reply straight away he then sent another one a few hours later sayin 'I take that as a yes then'. When I eventually replied I told him how I was confused at what he was feeling about 'us' and said i didnt want him to lead me on if he didnt want anything more. He said 'i wouldnt lead you on'. Right so I've got one friend saying that if he didnt care he wouldnt have bothered to ask if he was in the bad books and say 'i wouldnt lead you on'. But then Ive got a few other friends who think that because he doesnt always text me back and is not extremely attentive, they think hes a nob and that I should just forget about him.
Who am I supposed to go with???? I still really like him but amy friends that say hes a nob - are they right? Should I give up on him???
Reply 1
I think finding out why he never called you in the first place should be your priority...if he said three times that he'd do it, then never did, either something's up or he somehow forgot (but even my short-term memory isn't that bad)

Get all the facts (or stories, whatever) first THEN place judgement :wink:

Personally, I think he does care somewhat, but he's maybe a little unsure of where the two of you stand, as I think you are as things over with him. It's the least you can do :smile:
Reply 2
You should text him asking if he likes you.
Reply 3
Ive got a few other friends who think that because he doesnt always text me back and is not extremely attentive, they think hes a nob and that I should just forget about him.
Who am I supposed to go with??????

I would go with the friends who think this, he really does sound like hes messing you about and playing games.

Right so I've got one friend saying that if he didnt care he wouldnt have bothered to ask if he was in the bad books and say 'i wouldnt lead you on'.

F*ck Knows what this friend is going on about thoe, dont listen to this quote :confused: :p:
Reply 4
you should arrange to meet him and talk to him face to face its the best way to communicate with people i think!! instead of texting each other!
go with what you want to do not what others tell you!!
i don;t trust any of my mates but thats my problem lol!!!
Reply 5
just txt him back sayin i sounds like he keeps leading you on xx
Reply 6
just txt him back sayin i sounds like he keeps leading you on xx

well i said that to him and he replied saying 'i wouldnt lead u on'......