The Student Room Group
sounds like it could possibly be diabetes? maybe you should go see your doctor
Reply 2
lol, thirst, i havent had waterin 2 days.
Reply 3
Just for two weeks it could be anythig I wouldn't jump to think diabetes straight away. See how it goes if you still feel crap then go to the docs
Apparently that's one of the symptoms of diabetes so it might be worth getting one of those home-tests from Boots. Chances are there's no problem though, I go through phases where I am really thirsty and need to drink loads of water.
Have you been drinking lots of alcohol or eating lots of salt, they're what usually make me thirsty
Reply 6
I would go and see your doctor.

Any other 'symptoms' other than thirst?
Reply 7
no just thrist xxx
Reply 8
weird but im thirsty now and its not going away!
Reply 9
for the last two weeks i have been incredibly thristy i cannot stop drinking i drink loads and loads but my thrist never stops is there anything wrong like a medical problem? xxx

Its one of the signs of diabetes thats for sure,
but dont jump to conclusions and presume thats what it is, just go and see the doctor would be the best and quickiest way just incase it is something the doctor needs to sort.
But all in all theres no need to worry
im thirsty quite alot, always tired and always cold, even to the touch. you think there owt wrong with me coz i do but my mum keeps tellin me im stupid
Reply 11
I love the way people post on here with a possible medical problem - like we're going to be able to help - and so always get told 'go to the doctor's'....Why not just go straight there rather than posting it on here?
Reply 12
Thirst alone is unlikely to be DM. If you're still feeling very thirsty, and there's no reason for it (i.e. not been keeping up our fluid intake, have been exercising, been in a sauna for a long period of time, had a body wrap etc), then go and see your GP.
If she thinks it may be diabetes, Lloyds Pharmacies now give free diabetes's like a little plaster thing that you wear on your finger for a while. Failing that, the good old favourite...go to a doctor!!! :p:
i havent had waterin 2 days.

That is so SWEET :p:
for the last two weeks i have been incredibly thristy i cannot stop drinking i drink loads and loads but my thrist never stops is there anything wrong like a medical problem? xxx

I (heard) it could be bad if that happens. Isn't that a typical sign of a bad illness?