The Student Room Group

first thing you look at

was just wondering whats the one thing that'll put you off a potential partner. for me i've always looked at noses. can't stand really big noses and thought i could never be with someone who had one. That said, i've recently met a lovely guy with a larger than average sized nose. i thought this would be a big problem for me but found that i like the guy so much, i barely notice it.

what is it - physically- that you think could put you off a person?

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frog eyes. i think theres something fundamentally wrong with having eyes that are almost half the size of your face (ok slight exaggeration, but you get my point?)
or big noses
or big chins
Reply 2
Oh you mean put off.

Well I don't fancy blondes. And I don't like short hair.
Reply 3
i couldnt go out with anyone shorter or thinner than me! ideally they wud need intellegence also.
I usually check to see if they are human. If not, they'd better hope their other characteristics make up for it (flexibility of hind legs, shininess of coat etc)
Reply 5
I usually check to see if they are human. If not, they'd better hope their other characteristics make up for it (flexibility of hind legs, shininess of coat etc)

Reply 6
Height. Short men are a no-no I'm afraid! I like my men to be proper men, tall and well-built, I'd rather they had a bit of a belly than were all pathetic and lanky! (no offence! Lanky is good on the right men)
Reply 7
do ppl get put off by ears that stick out slightly?
Reply 8
I think usually a girl's face will put me on/off. Or a schoolgirl uniform :wink: always a good thing hehe.

BTW what I mean is if she doesn't smile, has a really cold face or something, cos I like cute girls, and all girls :smile:
Reply 9
Monobrows kind of put me off. Greasy hair and skin is bad, makes you not want to get close!

Reply 10
Tim Kabel
do ppl get put off by ears that stick out slightly?

i think that on some guys it looks kinda cute
Reply 11
I can't stand guys with really small eyes that are really close together, or guys with abnormally big or round faces. Or big pores. I guess i'm just really fussy!
Reply 12
height i have a thing about not going out with shorter people!!

bad hair is a no no

tight jeans on guys is also a massive nono
Reply 13
Also, any kind of emo/goth/chav/skater look as a massive turn off. Sooo not good looks.

Ahem: large pores???? Are they spots or what?
If you are talking about just physical appearances:

*Short guys
*rabbit teeth
*Really bad acne face
*Sticky out ears
*really bad yellow wonky teeth
THESE are big no no to me as well

:rolleyes: ummmmm yes i think i am picky
Reply 15
I mean like huge holes in the guys face! Like you can actually see the pores. And the spots, come to think of it.
Tim Kabel
do ppl get put off by ears that stick out slightly?

I've no idea. I know I'm strangely fond of a certain Mr. Eccleston's ears....:smile:
the chav look, wearing well- known sport brands, wearing tracksuits, gelled hair, lipstick (eye- liner on the other hand...:wink:), the pop- punk look: with lots of colourful stripes and badges, walks like a chav...
Taller than me and not really skinny. I like big strong arms :-D *goes weak at the knees*
Reply 19
He has to be taller than me and he can't be thinner than me, because I know I'd end up trying to lose weight to get thinner than him or someting equally silly (illlogical huh?). I also like a friendly smile and sparkling eyes :smile: