The Student Room Group

Bad things about Swansea uni

On the unofficial guides board there are a lot of negative (and contradictory) things being said about Swansea. Are these statements true?

What ever you may think about swansea its no "birmingham, Reading, Southampton, Durham, loughbourgh etc!" I am not critizing the University, just giving you a fact on what i have seen!" The university aint all the difficult to get into! it requires low grades therefore more likely for "Chavz!" to get into, who probably did GNVQ's!!

they seemed to let anyone in through CLEARING... Courses like law are mostly clearing people. They tend to be complacent, lazy, arrogant ppl who brag about their degree title, but do no work and are more interested in getting trashed at one of the three cruddy nightclubs...

Have just been accepted 2 swansea uni and am a bit concerned by the frequent comments of the uni bein full of snobs and public school types....

on certain courses the majority of ppl have entered thru clearing, and nobody really wants to work. The clubs are average, become repetitive, and the uni is close knit. I am sure I am not coming back in sept
On the unofficial guides board there are a lot of negative (and contradictory) things being said about Swansea. Are these statements true?


I dont think I need to say more than that, really.
Reply 2

I dont think I need to say more than that, really.

Do you know why a lot of people say things like this if it isnt true then?
I've never seen such rubbish in all my life!

Most students are NOT there through Clearing, and you do NOT need bad grades to get in. Nobody I know, including those who do Law, got in through Clearing - there will, inevitably, be some who did; but then, there are some Clearing students at every university barring Oxbridge and maybe LSE and Imperial. There are no more and no less than at any other 'redbrick'.

Swansea requires grades in the area of ABC, BBB, BBC - this is the same as many 'redbricks', including some of those you mentioned, such as Reading.

As for chavs - to say that the university students are chavs in simply a lie, plain and simple. There are quite a few chavs in town, ie. locals, but the actual students are NOT chavs! And about private school people - there are some of course, but again no more and no less than at any university.

The people making these comments are very ill-informed, and look as though they have some kind of grudge. Even the comment about there being only 3 clubs is not really true - apart from these there are other more alternative places, and of course there are all the bars on Wind Street and elsewhere into the bargain!
Reply 4
I've never seen such rubbish in all my life!

Most students are NOT there through Clearing, and you do NOT need bad grades to get in. Nobody I know, including those who do Law, got in through Clearing - there will, inevitably, be some who did; but then, there are some Clearing students at every university barring Oxbridge and maybe LSE and Imperial. There are no more and no less than at any other 'redbrick'.

Swansea requires grades in the area of ABC, BBB, BBC - this is the same as many 'redbricks', including some of those you mentioned, such as Reading.

As for chavs - to say that the university students are chavs in simply a lie, plain and simple. There are quite a few chavs in town, ie. locals, but the actual students are NOT chavs! And about private school people - there are some of course, but again no more and no less than at any university.

The people making these comments are very ill-informed, and look as though they have some kind of grudge. Even the comment about there being only 3 clubs is not really true - apart from these there are other more alternative places, and of course there are all the bars on Wind Street and elsewhere into the bargain!

I have to agree with pretty much everything there. I think whilst you are in Swansea avoid Kingsway on sunday nights, Blaen-y-maes and Penlan at all other times. Otherwise you are perhaps asking for trouble from Chavs.

As for there being chavs at uni, I have never seen any in the 3 years to be honest with you. They are generally all the locals. I needed BBB to get onto my degree scheme.
Well, I came to Swansea in September after getting 3 As at A Level. Also, my flatmates have excellent grades.

I also have to say that there aren't any chavs in the university. In fact, even when I go out I don't see that many chavs. Obviously, if you do go to traditionally chavvy places like Flares or McDonalds then you're bound to run into some of them (or have them run into you and steal your bag).

I'm so glad I chose Swansea over the other universities I was offered a place at!
Well, I came to Swansea in September after getting 3 As at A Level. Also, my flatmates have excellent grades.

I also have to say that there aren't any chavs in the university. In fact, even when I go out I don't see that many chavs. Obviously, if you do go to traditionally chavvy places like Flares or McDonalds then you're bound to run into some of them (or have them run into you and steal your bag).

I'm so glad I chose Swansea over the other universities I was offered a place at!
Reply 7
What were the other universities which offered you a place? Well done on the grades btw. It probably is a respectable university, but unfortunately league tables, which people seem to take so seriously these days, and maybe employers too, don't rate it as highly as places like Nottingham, Bristol, York etc. However, that doesn't mean it is a bad place to study. It really does sound lovely, but as wih everything, people must be entitled to their own opinion.
Reply 8
Qorst thing I can think of is the fact, that Swansea have a ***** football team!!! Now a proper team would be Cardiff City!
Just keep clear of the Kingsway early AM when the valley people are down...hence why maccy D's has bouncers!

Otherwise there's not much else.
Cardiff is a 40min train ride at £5 for an awesome night out!
Reply 10
I had the time of my life at Swansea! Top, top place :biggrin:


I chose it over my offers at Birmingham, UCL, Gimperial, Aber and Keele.

Not all subjects have low entry requirements either...

Chavs - can't comment, as I graduated long before the term was in general common usage - there were a fair few townie slappers in Swansea though, so I guess that translates to Chavs.

AS for posh, publicness - it;s no different to any other uni I've been too, and as for the clearing comment, my course was oversubscribed and didn't recruit from clearing back then.

Take it all with a big pinch of salt. Look for faults and you'll find them, be it Oxford University or Oxford Brookes...
Reply 11
i find it amusing that i read the first post and thought:


Then i laughed at the fact the "quotes" got shot down in flames.

BBB is my conditional offer. Thats not a low grade requirement ^o)
Reply 12
I was worried about this too, but speaking to people from Swansea Uni, and seeing what people have said here has reassured me. I'm sure you get 'chavs' everywhere, and your fair share of alternative people too.

BBB is my conditional offer too, I don't really know anyone that's had specifically low grade requirements.

At the end of the day, it's what you make of it, and a degree is a degree in my opinion, and I think whether you went to Swansea, London or Aberystwyth you'd have the time of your life, and if you don't, I think it's down to the person not the place.
Reply 13
Well for a start one says its full of 'Chavz', the other says its full of 'public school types', a bit contradictory...
swansea is great, glad i came here

to be honest, anywhere you go youll probably end up enjoying it, so long as you meet some good friends
What a load of bs, swansea is awesome!
Reply 17
Not at all true, Swansea is a fantastic place to study at and to live in. :-)
Reply 18
You'll only know when you visit the place.