I know this is a really stupid question, but I'm 17 and only just about 5 ft, which is really quite shocking and depressing. Many people believe that height is not an important issue, but these are usually people who are of average height or taller. I know someone who's shot up at least 4 inches in a year but it's probably the growth hormone injections she's taking, I heard they can have huge side effects. ...... does anyone have any tips?
Learn to accept who you are, and love yourself a bit more? My step sister is 20 and just about 5ft but its cool. She's petite, looks great in heels and can acryy off more fashions that i can"! Don't let it get you down x
First of all, 5ft at 17 isn't that unsual... try checking the Short Girls society on TSR (or maybe you have already)? Anyway, although it's on the short side there are plenty of girls like you in the world and it's certainly not 'shocking'. I'm 15 myself and only just about 4'11".
You can't really 'make' youself taller. I've tried everything; I've drunk milk every day since I was born, eat fish about three times a week, have a very balanced diet, eat a lot of veg, etc but I don't think it works. Are your family generally on the short side? If it's genes, there isn't too much you can do. Of course, you can always hope for that growth spurt but for the moment, just wear 5 inch boots.
well, I would like to get taller myself...but I guess at our age it is impossible =( but you know, italians say 'in little bottles is the best vine' so I guess it si true...I think it is better for you now, try to look at yourself from other side, that you have probably cute face and nice body that not all girls have...and get proud of it, you must love yourself, you know!!
I know this is a really stupid question, but I'm 17 and only just about 5 ft, which is really quite shocking and depressing. Many people believe that height is not an important issue, but these are usually people who are of average height or taller. I know someone who's shot up at least 4 inches in a year but it's probably the growth hormone injections she's taking, I heard they can have huge side effects. ...... does anyone have any tips?
Thank you, ryce
how tall is your mum, your dad, and any brothers/sisters? I guess you will probably end up slightly taller than your mum.
i dont think using growth hormones is normal you cant make yourself grow any taller.
Go to the doctor, they can prescribe growth hormone if its an extreme case, there are sides but they aren't that severe.
Alternatively you can try take supplements which increase growth hormone production and do lots of exercise that causes a lactic acid build up, as this stimulates growth hormone release, although usually just localised to the muscles worked.
i thought its around 16 for females 20 ish for males. I wouldnt worry about height too much i'm short myself and fair enough ive taken some stick in the past but i'm just learnt to accept who i am. There is nothing i cant do that taller people can. If your short your short nothing can really be done about it