The Student Room Group
um, maybe you should get diagnosed or at least seen by your doctor before you begin requesting heavy duty medication...
Reply 2
Unless you are in serious need of anti depressants then stay as far away from them as you can
They've cocked up sooo many people I know and they are dangerous and a last resort for anyone
You shouldn't even be considering them unless you're already seeking professional counselling and have been advised that you need chemical assistance
Besides no Doctor worth his salt is going to just hand you some ciprolex and say knock yourself out!
Reply 3
why is your teacher diagnosing you?
Reply 4
Please read the TSR rules regarding text speach.

I have re-worded the title as it took me too long to understand what this thread was about.
Reply 5
Unless your boyfriend is a trained counsellor/psychatrist/psychologist he is not really qualified to help you or diagnose you. Even if he were a professional he would not want to work with someone he is in a relationship with.
Your teacher isn't a professional "helper" either but usually they do have some kind of basic psychological training which enables them to see when people change. It is certainly not up to her/him to tell you what kind of medication you should be getting, but maybe going to a doctor's will help clarify what your problems are and what can be done.
Tha fact that you initially found it a good idea, makes me feel as though the suggestion of a pill possibly helping you lifted a weight off your shoulders ("there is a way out of this..." kind of thing). Maybe I'm wrong, but if it is like that, then there does seem to be something weighing heavily on your mind.
Reply 6
hmm, i recommend you see a doc. If your teacher is worried about you then she should have just said go to the doc as I don't think you are very happy.

Mind you I went to the doc with PMS and he gave me a prescription for Xanax, and I never got it filled - my mum works in psychiatry and she and her boss were horrified I had been given this for some tantrum throwing and crying.
i think docs is the answer, talk to them and they can recommend a solution, if ones needed! I mean, hormones are tricky things!

And secondly, why is your bf of 4 weeks telling you what you can and cant do, i think you need to be careful there! Possessive bf are a bad thing.
Reply 8
never ever get a diagnosis from anyone other than a doctor. If you dont think you're depressed, dont get antidpressants! They're dangerous if you dont need them. Go to see a doctor and tell them what your teacher said, then talk it through and they'll decide whether or not you need them.
Reply 9
never ever get a diagnosis from anyone other than a doctor. If you dont think you're depressed, dont get antidpressants!

It's hardly a case of 'getting them'. Walking into a doctors and asking for antidepressants, especially at such a young age, will be met with a barrage of questions and possible alternatives before the question of prescriptions even arises.

I think anti-depressants should remain a last resort, and unfortunately I don't think this has been the case over the last decade with some doctors willing to hand them out if Tina breaks up with her boyfriend and feels like the end of the world is upon her. The government should invest more money into counselling as a first-line depression treatment, it's proven to be effective for the less pathological depression cases and could quite possibly even save money in the long term.
I've been telling you for a million years that you need to see a doctor.
Yeah. I concur. >.<

You'd be amazed how much better you'll feel when you know you're at least taking steps to rectify the problem!