The Student Room Group
Not for me lol But yes I'd agree.
Reply 2
I personally find some english accents harder to do, but that may be because I've got northern irish blood running through my veins :smile:
Reply 3
i would love to master northern irish accent
Reply 4
My mum could do really good accents, but whatever she did always ended up Northern Irish after a while!
Reply 5
hoi noi broin coi

easy :biggrin:
Surely it depends where you are from... an Irish person would probably find it obsurdly simple. A scot may find it reasonably easy and a southerner would stand no chance. :p:
Just say 'Nordon Iron' and that is 'Northern Ireland' in our accent lol. (well some of us, certainly not me lol)
Reply 8
Power shower sounds awesome on a northern irish accent, as does how now brown cow, as blissy said.
Reply 9
After a day with a voice and accent coach, I could do northern irish no bother :biggrin:
Reply 10
its easy enough lol, its very plain i think, i love the scottish and geordie accents!!
Reply 11
my grandad is from southern ireland i think!!

and i can't understand him most of the time!!!
I'm half irish and i can do it fine!!

I have trouble with a southern irish one, and my relatives always have a go at me cos I end up doin a dub or kerry accent (which is apparently an insult lol)