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The black rep is a sub option


here's a link for everyone!
my sister has one. she came 3rd in a drawing compo IIRC.
I got one of the blue ones when I was 11.. how common. I can't remember what for.
Reply 23
Katy Hill came to our Union at freshers thi year and gave some out to winners of little comp's she did (Karaeoke and dancing) I'd have loved one, but I was working so couldn;t even enter :frown:
Black rep means you have exactly 0? Or you have disabled reputation?

Who has one ?
Why did you get one?
Did you use it?

I do!!
I took a photo of the forth rail bridge. And it got shown on TV!
Twice, once to get into a castle, and once to get into the zoo.


Huh, guess i was wrong about the rep.
Mine was a competition winners badge btw.

I know someone who has a gold one! Dunno why she does though.
Reply 25
A gold one! *awe*
Reply 26
How can you use it? :confused:
You wear it and when you got o certain places you show it and they give you special offes for it
Reply 28
I have 2- a blue one and a silver one. but it's no use now cos i'm 16. and i'd be too embarrased to wear one anyway!! :redface: :biggrin:
I have one. I got it for drawing the presenters. I haven’t used it yet but I am looking into going somewhere and using it.
Reply 30
please check the date next time (top right corner) as this thread is probably older than you are. and is now closed :rambo: