The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Are they?!

I've never noticed...
Reply 2
Ive been going to the wrong schools
mine are mostly kind of chubby :frown:
Reply 4
the two at my school where lesbians, together, (at a girls school). :s:
the two at my school where lesbians, together, (at a girls school). :s:

I've come to the conclusion that every school that has girls has at least one lesbian PE teacher! It's like some kind of rule - you must employ a lesbian PE teacher, preferably one of doubtful gender (not saying that all lesbians look like men, but lesbian PE teachers generally do!)

This is why I can't understand the concept of them ever, ever being hot! Clearly I've been going to the wrong schools too - might have made PE more interesting if there was a fit male PE teacher to look at! Though I've never got on with PE teachers for some reason... :wink:
Serioulsy looked forward to spring/summer term. Got their little shorts on and oakleys. My they were cool.
Reply 7
erm... the one in our school is a blond haired chav with way to much acne + hair gel...

so no, i don't know where you r coming from?
Reply 8
we had a lesbian pe teacher who always timed it perfect to come into the changing room when we were mid change with our tops off haha umm yeah the male p.e teachers in my school are pretty hot stuff lol
Reply 9
we had a lesbian pe teacher who always timed it perfect to come into the changing room when we were mid change with our tops off haha umm yeah the male p.e teachers in my school are pretty hot stuff lol


suspision... do i know you (in real life??)

what a-level options r u doing?
Years 7-11 at all girls school: all PE teachers most DEFINATELY lesbians

Year 12 in a mixed sixth form: all PE teachers H O T
I didn't have any lesbian PE teachers. Most of ours were pretty good looking, especially the men. Only they all seemed to be Irish and called Sean.
:love: a PE teacher in my soooooooooo good looking its not fair he is only 23 and like WOW!!!!! :eek: :love: xoxo
All female PE teachers in school were lesbians except one, who was bi...

Sexy stuff :s:
why cant i add a poll?how terribly rude.
Reply 15
You know what, I've just realised I've only EVER had female PE teachers...

*feels deprived*
You're female though, that's what usually happens... :confused:
Im going to look for pictures of my old games mistress on the net! He he (how sad is that)she captained GB at the olympics for hockey.
Also I know where i can get big gal because he was a rugby supremo.


I check his profile all the time hoping that there will be updates
We have one. At least, we all assume she is, judging by how she acts and her favourite songs, the names of which escape me...
I've already told SW this: she went skiing with us all in February and shouted "goalkeeper!!" at the top of her voice in a French accent whilst skiing down slopes. She also tried to go to sleep on a bench half way up a mountain, couldn't control her skis very well, and resorted to saying "poke, prod, kick, elbow, hit, slap..." whilst doing the actions to me. As in, she kept hitting me. And kicking.
Anddddddd, her method of saying hello in the morning was to push me so hard I nearly fell over... :redface:

Hilarious though!! :biggrin:
Reply 19
I once had a lesbian french teacher.
And male PE teachers are pervs. They sit in the swimming changing rooms with you. (male ones)