The Student Room Group

ehrm. guy problem.

Alright, here I go.

On Halloween night I went to a party with my friend and she introduced to some of her friends. I talked to this guy basically the whole night and at the end, he asked for my number. We've been texting each other since then..just very simple "how are you?"s and "what did you do today?"s.

I saw him on Saturday night for the second time...and..I don't know..I guess I like him. He's cute, nice and, most importantly, he's really funny. However, when he tried to kiss me...I just kinda moved away. Why? Uhhh..good question. :wink: I think it's because I'm afraid of getting hurt. I'm not afraid of commitment, I'm really not. I'm just scared of him. He's not like a bad person or anything, it's just that...he's one of those guys who makes out with random people just for the sake of making out. And the thing is that I'm completely the opposite. I told him that, and I guess he understands. He's like "I know we're very different, but I like I'm not gonna give up." He still texts me and he even called me a couple of hours ago...and I do like to talk to him and stuff. It's just that..I don't trust him. I wanna see him, but at the same time I don't. :confused: I feel like he's just looking for someone to hook up with, and I'm not. I'm looking for a decent relationship. I don't feel like getting hurt and falling for a guy who doesn't give a crap.

Okaaay. Any advice? :biggrin:
I feel like he's just looking for someone to hook up with, and I'm not. I'm looking for a decent relationship. I don't feel like getting hurt and falling for a guy who doesn't give a crap.

Well how will u ever know? U'll have to give him some sort of a chance, if not just by seeing him again!
Reply 2
maybe you should let go of your insecurities he might be completly differant and also you never know unless you try these things!!
Reply 3
Alright, here I go.

On Halloween night I went to a party with my friend and she introduced to some of her friends. I talked to this guy basically the whole night and at the end, he asked for my number. We've been texting each other since then..just very simple "how are you?"s and "what did you do today?"s.

I saw him on Saturday night for the second time...and..I don't know..I guess I like him. He's cute, nice and, most importantly, he's really funny. However, when he tried to kiss me...I just kinda moved away. Why? Uhhh..good question. :wink: I think it's because I'm afraid of getting hurt. I'm not afraid of commitment, I'm really not. I'm just scared of him. He's not like a bad person or anything, it's just that...he's one of those guys who makes out with random people just for the sake of making out. And the thing is that I'm completely the opposite. I told him that, and I guess he understands. He's like "I know we're very different, but I like I'm not gonna give up." He still texts me and he even called me a couple of hours ago...and I do like to talk to him and stuff. It's just that..I don't trust him. I wanna see him, but at the same time I don't. :confused: I feel like he's just looking for someone to hook up with, and I'm not. I'm looking for a decent relationship. I don't feel like getting hurt and falling for a guy who doesn't give a crap.

Okaaay. Any advice? :biggrin:

The second piece I highlighted above says it all. By "giving him a chance" - you run the risk of him talking you into something that you wouldn't naturally be comfortable with.
It's all well and good people saying "oh but if you don't try, you'll never find out."
But you don't want to find out the hard way, do you.

The first piece I highlighted tells me that he realises that you've got morals, and loosely translated, imo, means "you're mine, baby, morals or no morals."

If he makes out just for the sake of it, don't get yourself added to his list.
Reply 4

don't get yourself added to his list.

Yeah, that's exactly what I don't want.

But then again..maybe I should give him a chance.

:eek: I DON'T KNOW.

But thanks guys.
Reply 5
You should maybe spend some time alone together, like in a date situation, and see how you get on. Do you actually fancy this guy? If you do, I'd say give him a chance.
You can't live your life thinking "But what if..." all the time - you'd never do anything.
Reply 6
Give him the cold shoulder for a while, ignore his texts/reply late. This will test if he really likes you or not. If he really likes you he will persist, if not he just wanted a shag. And if he does like you in a meaningful way, the fact that your not all over him will make him want you even more.

Trust me it will work, I've been on the receiving end of this enough times.

Reply 7
Give him the cold shoulder for a while, ignore his texts/reply late. This will test if he really likes you or not. If he really likes you he will persist, if not he just wanted a shag. And if he does like you in a meaningful way, the fact that your not all over him will make him want you even more.

Trust me it will work, I've been on the receiving end of this enough times.


I'd advise against using this approach. If you stop making the effort, so do i, i've got better things to do than play a game of text-chase.
Reply 8
I'd advise against using this approach. If you stop making the effort, so do i, i've got better things to do than play a game of text-chase.

Yeah, I wouldn't really do that either.

But thanks anyways.



You can't live your life thinking "But what if..." all the time - you'd never do anything.

That's very true.

But I'm stupid, and I'm always asking myself but what if...