The Student Room Group

200 points, Minimum 2 A Levels...

When a conditional offer for a course says it requires 200 points from a minimum of two A Levels, do they mean they want minimum 2 B's (2 x 100 points) or 200 points made up of whatever A Levels you achieve. Eg. I'm doing 4, so technically I could get 4 D's and still get in???

Really confused, please help! :confused:
Reply 1
I think it means all you need is 200 points so 4 Ds will be good enough
Reply 2
I think they mean 200 points in your A2 Year
I think they mean 200 points in your A2 Year

Yeah I know it's from at least 2 A Levels, but is it just from 2, or could I make 200 with more than 2 A Levels?

I'm guessing that saying 'at least 2 A Levels' means I could count as many A Levels as I want in order to make up 200 points. This is quite'd be so much easier if they just told me grades!!!
Reply 4
Does your offer only say minimum of 200 points from 2 a levels and are there any other tariff points quoted from the uni?
Reply 5
You should be able to make up the 200 points from 2 A levels and above!
Hehe thanks!
Reply 7
Yep, sounds a good offer to me :biggrin:
Reply 8
It means that you cannot make up the 200 points with one A2 and a load of AS or other qualifications. You msut have done at least 2 A2s to get a place.
It means you need 200 points in total and that has to include at least 2 A-levels. A pass at A-level is an E, which is 40 points, so at least 80 points have to come from A-levels and the other 120 can come from ASs, Key Skills etc. If you're doing 4 A-levels, you could get DDEE and still meet your offer, which is pretty sweet!
Reply 10
I don't think everyone's random guesswork is going to help. Why don't you call or email the uni for clarification?
Reply 11
I don't think everyone's random guesswork is going to help. Why don't you call or email the uni for clarification?

I don't think everyone's random guesswork is going to help. Why don't you call or email the uni for clarification?

No kellywood is right, they need 200 points from 2 a levels or more. So as long as you're doing 2 a levels at least, and are predicted at least 200 points in total you'll be fine
Reply 13
No kellywood is right, they need 200 points from 2 a levels or more. So as long as you're doing 2 a levels at least, and are predicted at least 200 points in total you'll be fine
But she might not be right :rolleyes: It is just random guesswork, because we haven't seen the offer letter and don't even know which uni it is! It does depends on the exact wording on the offer letter but even then it might not be clear, so she ask phone the uni!
Reply 14
I'm with Juno on this. Unless you're an expert on this, i dont think its right to comment. False hope/information can be really bad in the long run.
Reply 15
I'm with Juno on this. Unless you're an expert on this, i dont think its right to comment. False hope/information can be really bad in the long run.
Finally, someone with sense!
Well tomorrow I'm going to get in touch with the University (it's DeMontfort by the way) and ask them exactly what it means! As soon as I know I'll come back on and let you all know! :p: Thanks for your help anyways :smile: