The Student Room Group
Reply 1
erm the cold weather? dehydration? put some vaseline on before u go to bed. that's what i do! otherwise i wake up with broken lips n it hurts like hell :|
Reply 2
it's coz it's cold and the weather's dry.happens to everyone.try slicking on loads of lip balm when u go to bed at night.conditions the lips so they're softer n less cracy n stuff in the morning.also try using lip balm n drinking water when ur lips feel dry and chappy.
Reply 3
wizard, do you smoke? It could be windburn or just the sudden cold snap!
Blistex in the little pot works a treat, but Vaseline also works too.
Honey too, but don't lick it off
Reply 4
Licking your lips makes them dry, as does the weather. Try vaseline or something.
nah i don't smoke - well i've just purchased some lip balm, so hope this does the trick - it must just be the cold weather.

nah i don't smoke - well i've just purchased some lip balm, so hope this does the trick - it must just be the cold weather.


Hey I always use:

Blistex - Relief Cream

works a treat and I think it has anti-septic or something makes them taste nice :p:
Reply 7
Some gorgeous lip balm is one from Lush called Whip Stick it's about £4 and chocolate flavour :smile:
i've got really dry lips at the momemtns...was in work last night and by the time I'd finished, I culd barely move my lips! I find elizabeth arden is quite good (though its got a horrible smell!)
Reply 9
Some gorgeous lip balm is one from Lush called Whip Stick it's about £4 and chocolate flavour :smile:

Ooh, I've wanted to try that for a while...might treat myself next time I'm in there!
Reply 10
lanolin is pretty good too, but tastes like wool. if you know what i mean.
Reply 11
i use the aloe vera vaseline..apparently it's better than the regular vaseline but it has the aloe vera fragrance, obviously!
Reply 12
and don't lick them :smile:

heh i do that sometimes when i know i shouldnt.
i find nivea lip balm and lush chocolate whip stick lip balm is good (it smells so good :biggrin: )
Oooh, you know what is so annoying. Mouthguards, Dont wear mouth guards if you want to keep your lips all soft and supple and luvly. I have lyk loadsa trouble wiv keeping my lips not bleeding and then i go and wear a stupid mouth guard in a fight which sticks to my lips and tears them all up.
Vaseline and carmex works wonders. I'm using Honey Trap lip balm from lush at the moment and its gorrrgeous, even contains real chocolate hehe