The Student Room Group


Personally I love this stuff, though one friend has told me that because it's pure energy, the way the body processes this means if you get hooked on it then it can damage you (this assumes drinking lots for years and years). What does everyone else think? I find it particularly useful when I'm tired, and it's also quite good for if there's nothing to eat lol.

Ahh, at last-my 700th post. And my last as well.
I get no give off fo this drink though it lovely and tasty.

I can tell you a bit about your teeth. I have ben doing an investigation on teeth corrosion from drinks and acid pH and such. I found lucoazade isnt the worst offender but definately should be avoided or at least have your teeth brushed after it. It won't stain your teeth noticably, though Cola turns your teeth black and brown very quickly.

Hope that means something useful to you. IT IS NOT PURE ENERGY, ITS JUST SUGAR!
Reply 2
I like lucozade, but it makes me hyper
Reply 3
Lucozade is a bit syrupy for me. And its full of sugar... makes my mouth go numb... dont know why.

However, in its defence, it's very good when you have flu, it gives you a bit of energy when you'd otherwise be pretty much stuck in bed all day.
Reply 4
I really really like lucozade but I rarely seem to drink it
Reply 5
i havent had it for ages - if dont buy it cos my sis nicks it and gets way too hyper and it used to make my tongue tingle
Reply 6
I cannot stand the smell and taste of it i used to like it thoughxxx
Reply 7
someone i work with recently went to the doctors with a sore chest and throat, he was told it was all the lucozade he was drinking that was damaging his stomach. :eek: