The Student Room Group

Drawing the line: worst film on a date

The scenario: a girl you know has invited you out to spend the evening with her and your friends. You are interested in this girl. She may well be interested in you. But the film she is going to see is awful. I mean, really bad. Imagine a film comprised entirely of footage of small children putting screwdrivers through their eyeballs for kicks. Imagine Titanic 2. That bad. What do you do?

Most importantly, where is the line? If you like this girl, would you even go as far as to watch this bilge, just for the night out? How about Bridget Jones? Generic Teen Movie 14? Because after so long, surely you must think "yes, I like her. But for the love of God, I'm not watching that shoite"?

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Reply 1
i think if you really like the girl youd go on the date regardless. i went to see a truly awful film with my last boyf because i wanted to see him... although personally i think if a guy wanted to watch like alien or some really nasty horror film i would draw the line.
Reply 2
i think if you really like the girl youd go on the date regardless
I'd agree with that...then again, I actually don't really mind most films that would be commonly dubbed as "chick flicks"...might just be me, though.
Reply 3
I think you should go if you're interested in her, I understand your pain I *loathe* chick flicks but if ya know ya get to spend some time with this girl and maybe before and after the film you get some talking time. You need to take every chance you get.
I, rather stupidly, decided to take a girl to see a film, even though I didn't know what it was about. I hold 'Million Dollar Baby' personally responsible for my singledom...
Reply 5
what are you talking about??? Million dollar baby was a very good movie :biggrin:

ohhhh that gurl that went to the movie with you for that film must have had a bad taste :frown: oh well, you can never tell
It started off well enough, the love interest. But then the massive haemorrhaging and suicide...
Reply 7
I think that if you really like someone you will not mind sitting through something you do not like, since it means so much to them. No one can say that they don't feel really nice and cared for when someone they like or are in a relationship with does something that you like, regardless of whether they would enjoy it too.
Reply 8
Hm, my boyfriend put up with Bridget Jones 2 on our first date - I did appreciate it, even I knew that was pushing it with the film choice!

On the upside, if the film is rubbish then it doesn't matter if you kiss the entire way through it. If it was "Men with Machine Guns VI" or whatever floats your boat, then you'd be too engrossed to get any action! Surely it has to be considered...

Reply 9
Me and the missus are goin to what Harry Potter next week... *gulp*

But I'll watch it cos she wants to, and its nice to just be next to her :smile:

Plus it MIGHT actually be good but I doubt it :P
Reply 10
First date with boyfriend = Elf.

Worst. Movie. Ever.

But at least we BOTH hated it! :biggrin:
Reply 11
Ha yes, you may all whinge but believe me, seriously don't go out and watch it to see or anything but THE WORST FILM EV-ER is Shoulin Soccer. It's cheesy sports film mixed with the magic of kung foo. Yes... the team of misfits and the coach whos last opportunity to achieve anything in his lifetime go against the odds to beat the subtly named 'team evil' to get the girl at the end who is beautiful yet started life as a street begger with acne. Its the ugly ducking but uglier. Now that is BAD. A film so poorly dubbed into english the dog barks before his mouth opens - WHY???? *rant over*
Reply 12
Corpse Bride - it spells out doom for the relationship from the very beginning :frown:
Ha yes, you may all whinge but believe me, seriously don't go out and watch it to see or anything but THE WORST FILM EV-ER is Shoulin Soccer. It's cheesy sports film mixed with the magic of kung foo. Yes... the team of misfits and the coach whos last opportunity to achieve anything in his lifetime go against the odds to beat the subtly named 'team evil' to get the girl at the end who is beautiful yet started life as a street begger with acne. Its the ugly ducking but uglier. Now that is BAD. A film so poorly dubbed into english the dog barks before his mouth opens - WHY???? *rant over*
That is why foreign films should be seen in their orginial language with sub titles.
Reply 14
Adam Sandlers 7 crazy nights....It was out at the same time as Mr Deeds, so, obviously having seen the trailer for that, it looked like the ideal name for the said film (man inherits $40bn...falls in love - you can tell the rest).
But, it turns out to be a cartoon, with jewish spiritual overtones - not my cup of tea - I left alone, an hour and a half before she did.
My boyfriend LIKES Bridget Jones... And rightfully so :P

I'd go to the film. Besides, there are plenty of ways to distract yourself if you like the person enough :wink:.
i think if you really like the girl youd go on the date regardless.

Reply 17
i think if you really like the girl youd go on the date regardless. although personally i think if a guy wanted to watch like alien or some really nasty horror film i would draw the line.

I agree you should just go anyway you never know you might enjoy it.
id be happy if my boyfriend wanted to take me on a date to see a nasty horror film :biggrin: i dont really like chick flicks plus sometimes they make me cry which is embarrassing :redface:
Reply 18
2 5 +
The scenario: a girl you know has invited you out to spend the evening with her and your friends. You are interested in this girl. She may well be interested in you. But the film she is going to see is awful. I mean, really bad. Imagine a film comprised entirely of footage of small children putting screwdrivers through their eyeballs for kicks. Imagine Titanic 2. That bad. What do you do?

Most importantly, where is the line? If you like this girl, would you even go as far as to watch this bilge, just for the night out? How about Bridget Jones? Generic Teen Movie 14? Because after so long, surely you must think "yes, I like her. But for the love of God, I'm not watching that shoite"?
There is no such thing as pride when it comes winning over a girl. I once agreed to participate in a skit at an all girls school. Upon arrival I was informed that I would be dressing up as a girl (skirt and all) and dancing to Tom Jones' "She's a Lady" (I was the lady). To top this off, I was the first male to ever participate at this event and it was infront of like 2000 people.
Reply 19
There is no such thing as pride when it comes winning over a girl. I once agreed to participate in a skit at an all girls school. Upon arrival I was informed that I would be dressing up as a girl (skirt and all) and dancing to Tom Jones' "She's a Lady" (I was the lady). To top this off, I was the first male to ever participate at this event and it was infront of like 2000 people.

I hope you pulled as a result!