The Student Room Group

Daily routine at Oxford

Is there a daily routine at Oxford (social Sciences)?

Never been to a conventional Uiniversity and wonder what is Graduate study like. For instance do you have classes/tutorials etc at the same time everyday?
And are you given a lot of free time for reading and working on essays?

I would like a rough picture of what the daily routine is, if anyone can throw a bit of light.

Reply 1
I'd say it depends on the course (especially if it's research based or taught or half/half). But generally it's not like school where you have class everyday at the same might have a couple of days with similar schedules during the week but generally they tend to vary (although you usually have the same weekly schedule throughout term).
As for free time, as you probably won't be on a science course where you have to spend lots of time in labs, I think you'll have plenty of time to do your reading, but don't expect "This is the book, here are the chapters" types of reading, it's all about independent study so you'll be given a reading list and then it's up to you to pick the books/articles and manage your readings. Good time management skills are essential, I think. I usually have my lectures/lab in the morning this term (asides from Tuesdays) and spend the afternoon in the library doing my reading until 6 or so, sometimes I might end up being busy in the afternoon for a couple of hours for EC activities etc. and have to do some work after dinner. I tend to work more during the week and take Sunday off to relax.
Reply 2
My study was life science, so not really comparable, but my average day included getting my arse into the lab for about 7am. Staying there +/- lunch until about 9pm/10pm. Going home, going to sleep, getting up, getting my arse into the lab for... infinitum!
Reply 3
My study was life science, so not really comparable, but my average day included getting my arse into the lab for about 7am. Staying there +/- lunch until about 9pm/10pm. Going home, going to sleep, getting up, getting my arse into the lab for... infinitum!

Reply 4
7am to 9/10pm :eek: in a lab :eek: :eek: