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A chooo

Ok, so i have a mega bad cold and i am meant to be going out tonight, i really have to go out. Is there anyway to kinda miracuosuly improve a cold?

Stupid question because i think i already know the answer but you know sometimes people have strange cures!

paracetemol stops your nose from running, stops the headaches and sinus and pain in your eyes and ears. Lemsip/lockets/tunes/vicks all helps with sore throasts.


Also have u ever inhaled vicks mixed with hot water??? I did it once, it cleared it all out.
Reply 2
Not a good idea, but if you have to, try Lemsip. Don't smoke or drink alkohol and make it an early night.
Reply 3
Also have u ever inhaled vicks mixed with hot water??? I did it once, it cleared it all out.

Are you realy supposeed to do that?? yeh i say go for lemsip!
I usually go out with a cold, get wasted and wake up the next morning cured. Anybody else experianced this strange phenomenon?
Are you realy supposeed to do that?? yeh i say go for lemsip!

Head Colds, Nasal Catarrh: Twice daily melt 2 medicine measuresful of Vicks VapoRub in very hot water and inhale the vapours. Never reheat the mixture, never heat while inhaling.
I usually go out with a cold, get wasted and wake up the next morning cured. Anybody else experianced this strange phenomenon?

HAHA YES!! Only reason I can think of is the amount of water is alcohol flushing it out your system. I don't do medicine so I could be completely wrong.

It's also a fun solution.
Reply 7
Lots and lots of hot drinks, a couple of painkillers and rest. Try and get some sleep before you go out. You could also try steaming your face, it might clear your system a bit.
if the alcohol doesnt cure you of your cold at least you will feel better while your out the alcohol will temporarily numb the aches and pains. better than being sat in bed all ill