The Student Room Group

London metropolitan vs Roehampton university

I want to be a dietician.......

i am going to be doing a 3 year course in nutrition and health at roehampton uni and it will give me registration as a nutritionist. i then have to do my Phd in dietetics to be registred as a dietician.


i do a 4 year course at london met and become registered as a dietician

however, i have heard reviews of london met saying its not that good...but its only a 30 mins train journey from my house...whereas Roehampton is 1 hour away :s-smilie: so i would just like some other opinions please

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Reply 1
i have applied for the UG dietetics course. i have got an offer for dietetics and one for nutrition. the nutrition one is a lot easier to get on to (160 ucas points) but i have heard it is harder to get on to a PG dietetics course!! x
Reply 2
Original post by xsophiexmx
i have applied for the UG dietetics course. i have got an offer for dietetics and one for nutrition. the nutrition one is a lot easier to get on to (160 ucas points) but i have heard it is harder to get on to a PG dietetics course!! x

Oh really? at london met?

i would love to go but i've heard bad reviews about the uni not having a good adminstration system and poor facilities, but on completetion i will be a dietican plus its a 30 min train journey.
Reply 3
Hi, I am going to London met in September since I ddnt get into my first choice- Kings College. Just like you I have been unsure about it as it doesnt seem to get good reviews. However, I have heard from dietitians that London met have a good Dietetics course and also that where dietetics is concerned it doesnt really matter which university you go to in terms of getting a job afterwards. What matters is how good YOU are. In my opinion, you would be making life harder for yourself by doing nutrition at Roehampton and then going on to do a PG which is very competitive, plus you would be doing an extra year of study.
Reply 4
yeah, i suppose i will find out next saturday on the london metropolitan open day :s
and then i;ve got the roehampton orientation day in april...

Once i seen what is so bad about london met then i can make an informed decision...i just hope the uni is worth my money :s lol
Original post by MandyLicious

Original post by MandyLicious
yeah, i suppose i will find out next saturday on the london metropolitan open day :s
and then i;ve got the roehampton orientation day in april...

Once i seen what is so bad about london met then i can make an informed decision...i just hope the uni is worth my money :s lol

If you're registered on the London Met Open Day and our Orientation Day in April you can hold off on making your decision until you have a look around both venues. The extra 30 mins to Roehampton might be worth it if you're doing the course that feels right for you...!
Reply 6
Original post by Roehampton University
If you're registered on the London Met Open Day and our Orientation Day in April you can hold off on making your decision until you have a look around both venues. The extra 30 mins to Roehampton might be worth it if you're doing the course that feels right for you...!

Yeah, I hope so! I've seen the Roehampton University in pictures and the main campus seems beautiful! However, I heard that there is a large council estate near the whitelands campus...and that put me off a little bit because thats where my course will mainly be taught.

I dont know, i'm sure im just worrying about everything, and looking for bad details in each university. lol

I'll wait until i've seen both universities before i make my decision. :smile:
London Met's funding has been getting worse over the years, many staff and courses have been and are being cut, I would be wary.
Reply 8
Original post by pippa90
London Met's funding has been getting worse over the years, many staff and courses have been and are being cut, I would be wary.


I really just want to go london met, because once i finish my degree I can go straight into looking for a job...whereas with roehampton I'll have to search for a postgraduate degree, which apparently are difficult to come across :s-smilie:
Original post by MandyLicious

I really just want to go london met, because once i finish my degree I can go straight into looking for a job...whereas with roehampton I'll have to search for a postgraduate degree, which apparently are difficult to come across :s-smilie:

I'm not saying you can't go, it's your choice! :tongue: I'd just be wary, what if they cut your course when you're in the middle of doing it?
Reply 10
Original post by pippa90
I'm not saying you can't go, it's your choice! :tongue: I'd just be wary, what if they cut your course when you're in the middle of doing it?

Are they allowed to do that? seriously? :s-smilie:
(and would you get your money back for doing so?)

I'm just gonna wait until i've seen them both..and i'll let you all know which one i choose :biggrin: (and then you can all convince me to choose the other :P) lol
Original post by MandyLicious
Are they allowed to do that? seriously? :s-smilie:
(and would you get your money back for doing so?)

I'm just gonna wait until i've seen them both..and i'll let you all know which one i choose :biggrin: (and then you can all convince me to choose the other :P) lol

I believe they can, then you'd have to apply elsewhere to finish your final years, without getting your money back.
Reply 12
London metropolitan open day was Amazing...well I say amazing, what I mean is, it was wasn't as bad as I anticipated. The university itself was okay. The human nutrition and dietetics course was fantastic!! I really believe that the course would help my goal of becoming a dietician alot more simple.

So now i'm gonna wait for the Roehampton open day to see if it can top what i saw on Saturday :smile: (and also it took me 30 minutes to get to :biggrin:)
Reply 13
No tea but, it sounds like you made up your mind from day...

Ultimately you make the decision.
Reply 14
Original post by Nayberay
No tea but, it sounds like you made up your mind from day...

Ultimately you make the decision.

Roehampton is alot higher in the league tables and is considered a more "respectable" university.

Ultimately, I do have to make the decision myself, but I realy just posted this thread to get other peoples views on it. you know, just so i can make a well-rounded decision, i suppose :s-smilie: lol
From what I have read in your posts, I can say as an unbiased outsider that london met definitely sounds like the best option.
London Merp
Reply 17
Original post by bognor-regis
From what I have read in your posts, I can say as an unbiased outsider that london met definitely sounds like the best option.

I agree. London is the best choice when it comes to both entertainment and prospective jobs/internships. :biggrin:

I know from my own experience... I am a University of Westminster PR student and I have really been enjoying my time here. My course is great but it wouldn't have been the same if the uni wouldn't have been in London.
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 18
I've confirmed Londin Metropolitan :biggrin:
Reply 19
Original post by MandyLicious
I've confirmed Londin Metropolitan :biggrin:

I now just have to learn how to spell London :s-smilie: lol