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Reply 1
I don't get it, I can't cry no matter how upsetting the situation is, I couldn't cry when my parents split up, I couldn't cry when my grandpa died and whenever something unhappy happens which most would cry about, I can't cry. It hurts on the inside yet I just can't cry.

I'm male and 15 years old so is this even normal?

Can any of you still cry?

I think crying comes on when people sorry for themselves, you probably don't which is a good thing.
Reply 2
you could be bi-polar and oppressing your emotions and whatnot. but i'm no doctor, so maybe you shouldnt listen to me. however, if you're not really feeling anything... i dont know, you must be feeling something and it's just affecting you other ways? :s-smilie:
Reply 3
i wish i had that i hate crying
Reply 4
Well I haven’t cried (apart from the odd onion related incident) since I was about 11 despite also going through some very distressing moments. I don’t think being able to cry is an important thing really, socially males are brought up to not show signs of emotion so for many of us we subconsciously prevent ourselves from showing emotions as it is taught to us as a sign of weakness. I don’t think this is anything to really worry about as long as you can still feel upset, perhaps you just need to become more sensitive and discover your 'feminine side' to start being able to show your emotion, but unless you feel that not crying makes you look less human or is distressing you in any way then there is nothing really to worry about and you are really not alone in this.
Reply 5
I dont get it though, I used to be really sensitive in year 7 and 8 due to bullying which made me leave that school. I use to cry nearly every night then. I dunno, but I just seem to lack much feeling even if it is upsetting :frown:
Reply 6
I think crying comes on when people sorry for themselves, you probably don't which is a good thing.

Absolute boll*cks. He's already said that 'it hurts inside'; clearly, this has to do with a manifest lack of symptoms rather than the absence of cause.


Well I haven’t cried (apart from the odd onion related incident) since I was about 11 despite also going through some very distressing moments. I don’t think being able to cry is an important thing really, socially males are brought up to not show signs of emotion so for many of us we subconsciously prevent ourselves from showing emotions as it is taught to us as a sign of weakness. I don’t think this is anything to really worry about as long as you can still feel upset, perhaps you just need to become more sensitive and discover your 'feminine side' to start being able to show your emotion, but unless you feel that not crying makes you look less human or is distressing you in any way then there is nothing really to worry about and you are really not alone in this.

Thankfully, I wasn't inculcated with any such ridiculous notion. Catharsis is necessary, and crying constitutes a natural remedy to this effect: not being able to often brings about recourse to other, far more detrimental side-effects; self-harm, not least among these.
i havnt cried since i was 10. it's perfectly normal mate.
Reply 8

Thankfully, I wasn't inculcated with any such ridiculous notion. Crying is a necessary catharsis in certain circusmtances; not being able to often brings about recourse to other, far more detrimental side-effects: self-harming, not least among these.

You quoted me out of context there, I did say 'we SUBCONSCIOUSLY prevent ourselves from showing emotions’ which is true, from a young age males, in most families, are taught not to show emotion. For example a girl of age 8 - 10 falls over and cries the instant response of the parent is to kiss it better and to reassure the child, a boy of age 8 - 10 falls over and cries he gets 'come on, big boys don’t cry' or something to that effect, this does over time subconsciously condition the male child to see showing emotion as a sign of weakness, as if they were ‘a big boy’ they would not be showing emotion, thus making them unable to show emotion later in life due to uncontrollable subconscious urges. I’m not saying this is the case in all families especially with the modern views of treating young males and females entirely equal, but in my experience it seems that most families are still brought up in this way.
Reply 9
I don't get it, I can't cry no matter how upsetting the situation is, I couldn't cry when my parents split up, I couldn't cry when my grandpa died and whenever something unhappy happens which most would cry about, I can't cry. It hurts on the inside yet I just can't cry.

I'm male and 15 years old so is this even normal?

Can any of you still cry?
i haven't cried for years...
There's nothing wrong with you. You dont need 2 cry to show that ur upset, people express their feeling differently. I really wouldnt worry about it :smile:
I never used to cry. I used to hate people seeing me get upset, and thought they'd see me as weak and not strong for not crying. But now, I cry a lot. Sometimes I cry and I don't even know why. I cry at practically everything upsetting, or even things that aren't upsetting! My boyfriend cries sometimes too...he never used to for the same reason I said, that people see me as weak etc, but now he's really open with his emotions and cries. Maybe it's just a thing you're going through...maybe inside of you, without you being aware of it, you think you've cried too much in the past, so you don't want to cry anymore. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, and you'll get better and more open over time.
I haven't cried in a long time but my eyes water all the time, I think its very odd not to be able to shed a tear, I can do it on command.
Reply 13
I'm able to cry thinking about bad stuff happening, but not when bad stuff actually happens. How odd.
Reply 14
Absolute boll*cks. He's already said that 'it hurts inside'; clearly, this has to do with a manifest lack of symptoms rather than the absence of cause.

Yeah you can 'hurt inside' without feeling sorry for yourself smartboy..
Yeah same with Cor, I dont cry when something happens but cry later when I think of it, such as when my grandma died I laughed at the funeral, I just got the giggles I couldnt stop laughing and I had to be taken away, very embarrassing. But when i think of her now I begin to cry.

Maybe its just that you feel embarrassed, cos you're a guy and all, and guys like to hide their emotions. So you have just got used to this. Or maybe you're abit like me, bottle up all our feelings and then something triggers it and you explode into tears and let it all out. I think you're still waiting for that trigger which will set you off and you have not come across it yet. :smile:
Reply 16
Yeah same with Cor, I dont cry when something happens but cry later when I think of it, such as when my grandma died I laughed at the funeral, I just got the giggles I couldnt stop laughing and I had to be taken away, very embarrassing. But when i think of her now I begin to cry.

Maybe its just that you feel embarrassed, cos you're a guy and all, and guys like to hide their emotions. So you have just got used to this. Or maybe you're abit like me, bottle up all our feelings and then something triggers it and you explode into tears and let it all out. I think you're still waiting for that trigger which will set you off and you have not come across it yet. :smile:

Are you the one with the crush on *****? Sorry didn't wanna make you think about it but I think Ive got the same thing with another singer :p: :frown:

Anyway in reply to the thread its probably like most people have said things might not have hit you deep enough yet, probably just your way at the moment of coping with it ie hurting inside but not expressing it.

:eek: whys it blanked his name out, must be bad i'l shut up then.
Are you the one with the crush on *****? Sorry didn't wanna make you think about it but I think Ive got the same thing with another singer :p: :frown:

Anyway in reply to the thread its probably like most people have said things might not have hit you deep enough yet, probably just your way at the moment of coping with it ie hurting inside but not expressing it.

Yes, but it only hurt for afew secs this time so its ok :frown: If you want to talk about your crush, pm me. Btw- how old r u?
Reply 18
Yes, but it only hurt for afew secs this time so its ok :frown: If you want to talk about your crush, pm me. Btw- how old r u?

19, well 20 next month :redface: Sure I'l pm if you wanna talk but I don't want to make you think about it Im guessing its a big problem you had.
19, well 20 next month :redface: Sure I'l pm if you wanna talk but I don't want to make you think about it Im guessing its a big problem you had.

Its ok, just dont talk about him, just you. :smile: