The Student Room Group

Lie on a Medical questionnaire?

I have to fill out this medical questionnaire for this job, and then at the bottom of it, it asks for my GPs name and address. This would mean they would contact him right? So shouldnt I lie on it then?

Because some of the stuff on the medical quest I have to tick yes on cos I suffer from them and take medicines for it. I was just going to tick no for them all, but because I have to put my doctors details down, shouldnt I lie?
This would mean I will probably not get the job, because I would be working in a hospital with people with mental illnesses.

Should I lie or not? Its all minor things such as panic attacks and some stuff that I have had in the past and they want details down of x rays and everything and Ive had loads this year. They wouldnt disrupt me at all from working.
What do you think?

Love BlueAngel xxx
Reply 1
Don't lie. if all the stuff is minor then it won't affect your application. I think its highly unlikely that the employer will contact your doctor unless its something really major- I always thought that the dr's address question was mainly for their records if they offer you the job.
Reply 2
no no no no no
you dont know that they wont give you the job because of your medical history
however they wont give you the job if you lie
ok so dont lie. Right. Thanks.
Reply 4
If you lie and then later have time off work because of it they can sack you for gross misconduct.

They might not not give you the job, it's just so that they know and can try and help you.
Reply 5
Not only that - but assuming it's NHS - you'd never work for them again. It's quite possible that they'd either take you on strictly according to your merits, and refer you to staff services. Or they could offer you alternative employment with the same proviso.
Reply 6
I think the infomation is more for your saftey then them checking your history. You shouldnt lie on the form incase of an accident at work.
Even if they did contact them I am pretty sure you doctor wont tell them anything without your personal consent they dont have the authority to just ring up and demand your medical history.
Reply 7
I wouldn't lie, they can ask your permission to look at your medical records and maybe this is what they will do if you are giving them your GP's details
Reply 8
Being the NHS they ask for a full medical questionnaire when you do anything - even volunteering. I would put down that you have had panic attacks, they cannot hold it against you but can ask for GP's notes on it and possibly refer you to occupational health.
Dont worry about it, there are many people working within the NHS that have had mental health problems.
Reply 9

If it doesnt affect your work, LIE. Its none of their business.
Reply 10
This recently came up in regards to a medical form for the Armed Forces. It can really apply to any job. If they're asking for your medical history, then there has to be a reason why they are asking (if it's just being prejudiced, you can sue them for it).

For that reason, you should definitely tell the truth, especially if you're put in a situation where any problems would become apparent, and possibly be dangerous for yourself, others, or both.
Reply 11
No way because they will check as they are within their rights to do because you've filledin the info and then you'll get the sack.

If the jobs for something governmental like the armed forces or something like that where your physical health would be in question, and would affect your ability to do the job, tell the truth, but if its a random company, what business is it of theres?

All medical records are confidential for a reason.
Reply 13
If you want, you can put the medical questionnaire in a sealed envelope and request it not to be opened unless you get the job.
Reply 14
I don't see wwhy you couldn't lie. It's not like they can ask your doctor for your medical details - wouldn't he be breaking the law if he told them?

But, all the same, I wouldn't recommend you to lie. Better just tell the truth.