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Endometriosis / ovarian cyst

Lately my ovaries started to hurt especially my left ovary, it feels like i'm on my period, slightly bloated. I had my poeriod about 14 days ago so it cant be that i am going to be on my period again next week.

Pass alot of wind and last 3 days i had 2 maybe 3 diarrhea per day, but stopped today. My lower spine hurts,more on the left side.

I'm very worried that i have endometriosis, i have looked up on google and symtoms sound similar however i don't symtoms such as bleeding in between period, heavy periods or excruciating back pain.

I DID GO TO MY GP but she said that i might have irritable bowel syndrome. However i'm still unsure whether i have IBS or endometriosis maybe ovary cyst, because it is more like my womb which is hurting, not my stomach.

Does anyone acually have endometriosis or ovary cyst here?
Any experience becasue i am very worried :frown: I am worried about infertility.

Care to share and help me out
Reply 1
Did you tell your GP about the cyst/ovary worries you have? What did she say? That your ovary might hurt cos of IBS? :confused:
Reply 2
Yes i have told her that, she insisted that its IBS and then she gave me some drugs.
I think if it does not work i;ll havr to go to her again.
I'm looking more on people's experiences.
Reply 3
Well, your bowels are sorta lower down than your stomach is, so the pain from IBS wouldn't be in your stomach anyway.
Lately my ovaries started to hurt especially my left ovary, it feels like i'm on my period, slightly bloated. I had my poeriod about 14 days ago so it cant be that i am going to be on my period again next week.

Pass alot of wind and last 3 days i had 2 maybe 3 diarrhea per day, but stopped today. My lower spine hurts,more on the left side.

I'm very worried that i have endometriosis, i have looked up on google and symtoms sound similar however i don't symtoms such as bleeding in between period, heavy periods or excruciating back pain.

I DID GO TO MY GP but she said that i might have irritable bowel syndrome. However i'm still unsure whether i have IBS or endometriosis maybe ovary cyst, because it is more like my womb which is hurting, not my stomach.

Does anyone acually have endometriosis or ovary cyst here?
Any experience becasue i am very worried :frown: I am worried about infertility.

Care to share and help me out

Can you be sure that it's actually your ovaries that are hurting? Ovarian cysts, especially Polycystic ovaries tend to lead to very painful periods - so unless you've experienced this, it could easily be somewhere else.
I think there are many ways IBS can show up, it might be worth doing some research to see if your symptoms could be caused by it - as it can be kept under control, and often dietary changes can help!
I had an ovarian cyst, which ruptured, and it wasn't anything like a period pain. Infact, the location and type of pain it caused sent me into hospital for 3 days with suspected appendicitis! I would trust your doctor and not go searching on the internet - it only leads to hypochondria! Fingers crossed for the medication though - is it mebeverine? My mum takes that for IBS and it's really helped her :smile:
Reply 6
But what can you explain about the back pain? :frown:
Well, I'm not a doctor so I couldn't really tell you anything with confidence, but I'm pretty sure my mum gets that as well. Perhaps it could be unrelated and you've pulled something?
Reply 8
Maybe see a different doctor to get a second opinion? Give it 2 days to see if the drugs work.
I had an ovarian cyst, which ruptured, and it wasn't anything like a period pain. Infact, the location and type of pain it caused sent me into hospital for 3 days with suspected appendicitis! I would trust your doctor and not go searching on the internet - it only leads to hypochondria! Fingers crossed for the medication though - is it mebeverine? My mum takes that for IBS and it's really helped her :smile:

Fair enough. Am I getting ovarian cysts and PCOS mixed up? :s-smilie: All I have to judge on is my mum, who was diagnosed with PCOS about 12 years ago. She has crippling period pains, and has been admitted to hospital with them on several occasions. Obviously if this is nothing to do with it, then I am very mistaken in posting anything in this thread!
Interestingly my dad has IBS. I come from a very unhealthy family, obviously :s-smilie:
Thats why I mentioned dietary control - its what he was advised to try, as he only suffers mildly.
Reply 10
Lately my ovaries started to hurt especially my left ovary, it feels like i'm on my period, slightly bloated. I had my poeriod about 14 days ago so it cant be that i am going to be on my period again next week.

Pass alot of wind and last 3 days i had 2 maybe 3 diarrhea per day, but stopped today. My lower spine hurts,more on the left side.

I'm very worried that i have endometriosis, i have looked up on google and symtoms sound similar however i don't symtoms such as bleeding in between period, heavy periods or excruciating back pain.

I DID GO TO MY GP but she said that i might have irritable bowel syndrome. However i'm still unsure whether i have IBS or endometriosis maybe ovary cyst, because it is more like my womb which is hurting, not my stomach.

Does anyone acually have endometriosis or ovary cyst here?
Any experience becasue i am very worried :frown: I am worried about infertility.

Care to share and help me out

now im no doctor, but i think its safe to say that you can't localise pain to your ovaries that well! its your insides for gooness sake.
it could be an ovarian cyst type thing - sometimes an egg may fail to burst free and see form a cyst (mid cycle). its called middle pain (in german i think!) or somat like that. endometriosis will tend to hurt more during your period - not in the middle of your cycle.
I'd say go with the doctor on the bowel complaint.

I really think you should realise you CANNOT say where p[ain is inside you that well. when you have appendicitis the pain starts in the middle of your belly - not straight awy at your appendix. so you can't say for sure 'o its my womb', or 'o its m y ovary'
Reply 11
ive had quite a few experiences with ovarian systs. i had 5 lots of operations from ovarian systs and twisted ovaries. i dont really know what advice to give you to be honest. im not going to sit here telling you my stories and symptoms coz id be here forever! it started wiv appendicitus and a syst, then it got complicated and i kept getting systs and it kept twisting. so appendicitus and systs can be linked, apparently the syst can leak and trigger the appendicitus.

the one thing im going to say though, is not to trust your dr if your gut feeling is something different to what theyre telling you. my specilist was trying to tell me there was nothing wrong with me, he even gave me sedation medicen to 'make me feel better' (I was 14) 2 cut a very long story short, i had a huge syst and a twisted ovary that was half dead and if they had left it a few days longer the effects would have been disasterous.

i dont know what to suggest really and i dont know what the point of me posting this is! but if you want to ask anything id be happy 2 answer if i can. o yeah - pains in the back, i got that too.. and down my leg... apparently its referred pain.

i still get lots of pains and weird symptoms. sometimes i go to the drs and have a scan and get told i had a syst thats burst or something. i dont really bother anymore though cos its a waste of time, i know the symptoms so i know when it happens. my periods are still normal-ish and i just hope and pray that im going to be able to have kids (im obsessed with having 4 kids!)

if u wana know anything just ask

Emma xxx
I get a pain in my lower back occasionally, and my periods haven't been very regular. Well, they're regular (I'm on the pill) but the period before last was really realy light - practically non existent - and then last period was heavier than normal, and the period I've just had was light but not as light as the one before :confused:. Now you've mentioned cysts and things I'm slightly paranoid now! But I hate going to the Doctors..I'm due to go to the Familly Planning Clinic soon to get more pills, so I'll ask them. Maybe it's because of the pill I'm on (Ovysmen) :confused:
Reply 13
I get a pain in my lower back occasionally, and my periods haven't been very regular. Well, they're regular (I'm on the pill) but the period before last was really realy light - practically non existent - and then last period was heavier than normal, and the period I've just had was light but not as light as the one before :confused:. Now you've mentioned cysts and things I'm slightly paranoid now! But I hate going to the Doctors..I'm due to go to the Familly Planning Clinic soon to get more pills, so I'll ask them. Maybe it's because of the pill I'm on (Ovysmen) :confused:

Don't be paranoid - a lot of people get back pain as part of their normal period pain, and just because one person (possibly entirely mistakenly) is diagnosing themselves with PCOS doesn't mean you should too.

To the original poster - as has already been pointed out, you can't actually localise pain in your abdomen that well, so just because something is hurting in about the place you think your ovaries are, does NOT mean it is your ovaries. If this has only happened in one or two cycles, I would also not jump to a diagnosis of endometriosis or anything else. If it continues and you have menstrual symptoms (rather than the bowel ones you are currently having, which leads me to think your doctor may not be entirely misled in his provisional diagnosis) then you need to see someone but otherwise see how it goes with what you are on now.