ive had quite a few experiences with ovarian systs. i had 5 lots of operations from ovarian systs and twisted ovaries. i dont really know what advice to give you to be honest. im not going to sit here telling you my stories and symptoms coz id be here forever! it started wiv appendicitus and a syst, then it got complicated and i kept getting systs and it kept twisting. so appendicitus and systs can be linked, apparently the syst can leak and trigger the appendicitus.
the one thing im going to say though, is not to trust your dr if your gut feeling is something different to what theyre telling you. my specilist was trying to tell me there was nothing wrong with me, he even gave me sedation medicen to 'make me feel better' (I was 14) 2 cut a very long story short, i had a huge syst and a twisted ovary that was half dead and if they had left it a few days longer the effects would have been disasterous.
i dont know what to suggest really and i dont know what the point of me posting this is! but if you want to ask anything id be happy 2 answer if i can. o yeah - pains in the back, i got that too.. and down my leg... apparently its referred pain.
i still get lots of pains and weird symptoms. sometimes i go to the drs and have a scan and get told i had a syst thats burst or something. i dont really bother anymore though cos its a waste of time, i know the symptoms so i know when it happens. my periods are still normal-ish and i just hope and pray that im going to be able to have kids (im obsessed with having 4 kids!)
if u wana know anything just ask
Emma xxx