The Student Room Group

Braces at 17/18?

do you think its weird for a 17/18 year old to have braces? My dentist said i need to get braces even though you cant see anything wrong with my teeth , but apparently it may get worse in a few years so its better to get them now. This annoyed me because i am going to uni next year and i thought it would be weird to have braces at uni :frown:

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Reply 1
Dont worry about it, i'm already at university and will have mine fitted early next year. I've seen at least a couple of other people with them here too :smile:
do you think its weird for a 17/18 year old to have braces? My dentist said i need to get braces even though you cant see anything wrong with my teeth , but apparently it may get worse in a few years so its better to get them now. This annoyed me because i am going to uni next year and i thought it would be weird to have braces at uni :frown:

Not at all. I know 3 or 4 17 year olds at work with braces. I was gonna ask for some myself but my teeth are quite cramped and the only solution is to remove a few teeth and I'm not having that! My aunt had it done and it didn't work.
im sure no one will notice them you mite feel like everyone does at first but they really dont, and isnt it better to have them now than later? im 17 (nearly 18) and ive only recently had mine taken off but i know a few people that still have them and are gona have them when they go 2 uni.
Reply 4
Thanx for the replies. actually made me feel better about the whole thing :smile:, I just thought that most poeple got braces at 13/14 and by the time everyone left school no one has them anymore. thnx again :biggrin:
i know a few people who have only recently (about 17) had their braces removed, nobody does notice them really. i don't know about uni, but its no big deal now in college...just remember that its better to do it now then have crappy teeth later when fixing them will cost and perhaps work less well
I'm getting mine took off in january. I suppose this doesn't help but they should be well worth it in the end!
Reply 7
I had mine from like 17/18 to 19/20 ie. the first year of uni included.
Reply 8
One of the very good friends that I've met at uni has braces and I don't even notice them. People are older and more mature at uni nobody mentions it.
do you think its weird for a 17/18 year old to have braces? My dentist said i need to get braces even though you cant see anything wrong with my teeth , but apparently it may get worse in a few years so its better to get them now. This annoyed me because i am going to uni next year and i thought it would be weird to have braces at uni :frown:

It'll look sexy! :wink:
Reply 10
do you think its weird for a 17/18 year old to have braces? My dentist said i need to get braces even though you cant see anything wrong with my teeth , but apparently it may get worse in a few years so its better to get them now. This annoyed me because i am going to uni next year and i thought it would be weird to have braces at uni :frown:

No its not weird i know of a few girls your age with braces, some of them still as gorgeous as ever :wink:
It will be much better for you to get them now rather than later, I had mine for 10 months at 13/14 for 10 months. at the time I thought there was nothing wrong with my teeth, but even now I can see theyve changed and gotten a teeny bit wonky so they would probably have been a lot worse without thr braces..also thats proof that your teeth can change a lot in a couple of years.
nah, i think theyre well worth it- wore mine for almost 2yrs(!) form 13-15yrsold, a time when most girls bit self-conscious anyways, so at least now you'll be more in a position to be confident about it? plus youll end up with a lovely holywood smile!
Definitely worth it, they'll only be on for your first year at uni and its obviously worth it in the long-term. Plus from a bloke's perspective, I wouldn't have the smallest problem with dating someone with braces so its not going to affect your 'pulling-power' lol.
Reply 14
I had to get 4 teeth pulled out - all for the sake of prettiness...

Don't want to put you off, because braces are worth it. Even though I spent a whole year whining about how all the pain is gonna end up killing me anyway.

Question though: Don't people usually usually get braces earlier at like 13-15? Hmm, must only be in the US then...
Reply 15
I'm 19 and still have braces :frown: Hope to get rid of them soon.

I'm at university, and the person down the corridor from me (he's also 18/19) still has braces as well.
do you think its weird for a 17/18 year old to have braces? My dentist said i need to get braces even though you cant see anything wrong with my teeth , but apparently it may get worse in a few years so its better to get them now. This annoyed me because i am going to uni next year and i thought it would be weird to have braces at uni :frown:

not weird, it'll just hurt more - cheese!! :biggrin:
I had braces in year 8-year 9, if I remember correctly. But now my teeth are sort of, going back to the way they were before. :mad:
I am thinking of asking my dentist for them again now. I want to get them before my 18th birthday because don't you have to pay quite a bit after that (nhs)?
I had braces in year 8-year 9, if I remember correctly. But now my teeth are sort of, going back to the way they were before. :mad:
I am thinking of asking my dentist for them again now. I want to get them before my 18th birthday because don't you have to pay quite a bit after that (nhs)?

Yeah, I know quite a few people who's teeth have gone back to normal- 3 years wasted. I still have to wear my retainers every night (worn them for about a year now!).
Reply 19
do you think its weird for a 17/18 year old to have braces? My dentist said i need to get braces even though you cant see anything wrong with my teeth , but apparently it may get worse in a few years so its better to get them now. This annoyed me because i am going to uni next year and i thought it would be weird to have braces at uni :frown:

I had a brace from the age of 15/16 right till after I was 18. Ok, I never had them while I was at uni. They got taken off about 8 months before. I HATED my braces. I can't understand how anyone could think they were cool. However, now I like my teeth, I can smile and not worry that I have gaps or whatever, which really overrides the fact that I hated my brace at the time. My parents and grandparents always bang on about how my brace did me a world of good now.

I'll be honest, there arent many people at uni with braces, but who cares!

However, if you don't think there's anything wrong with your teeth, you really need to think about if you want one.


Yeah, I know quite a few people who's teeth have gone back to normal- 3 years wasted. I still have to wear my retainers every night (worn them for about a year now!).

I don't think my teeth COULD go back to normal. Ha! I had that much done. I had teeth taken out, then a take-out brace when I was about 11. Then I had more teeth taken out, then I had to wear fricken HEAD GEAR for a year and a half! Then I had another take-out brace. Then my train track brace for about 2/3 years. All while still wearing headgear for most of it. Then towards the last year I had to wear these little elastic bands too. My teeth were never crooked, just had gaps in the front. I do still wear my retainer most nights too. I never want my teeth to go back to normal after all that! Seriously! I'd get veneers rather than do all that again.