The Student Room Group

something about swimming......

hi :smile: i just joined the swimming team,and we practice everyday
and im starting think of what if during my period :confused: :confused: sorry i know it's a little bit weird,but i cannot use tampons
how can i tell the coach about that? if i don't go to the practice for 1week ,and everybody will know what happenning...
advice pllllllllllllllllllllleaz!!!!!!!!!
Reply 1
People at our school are excused from practice when that happens. But yeah I agree with you, tampons are hell. I don't use them either.

Good luck with finding a solution. Maybe you can get that mooncup thing. Or is that in league with the tampons?
well, it is of course easier to say that if your coach is female, you just come and say smth like, I am sorry, I cant swim this is female stuff, well, I guess you can say the same to male coach...I am sure he will understand and will not think anything, it is very natural and there is nothing to be ashamed or shy about. Or, you can alwasy say that you didnt feel good that week.
Reply 3
hi :smile: i just joined the swimming team,and we practice everyday
and im starting think of what if during my period :confused: :confused: sorry i know it's a little bit weird,but i cannot use tampons
how can i tell the coach about that? if i don't go to the practice for 1week ,and everybody will know what happenning...
advice pllllllllllllllllllllleaz!!!!!!!!!

Can I guess that you haven't been having your period for very long?
I know it seems like this huge deal, and if people know, everyone will laugh/avoid you etc. They won't. Every girl gets a period, and they all have to deal with it too. I was always scared about talking about it/buying pads/doing anything while on my period in case it was found out - but if you actually talk to other girls, everyone feels like that, and everyone will understand if you have to take a week off (except any boys, because they're idiots, but they barely know what a period IS anyway).
As far as using tampons is concerned, you may not be able to use them now, but if you practice with them it's actually not that hard.
Good luck honey! x
Are you the only girl on the team? Just tell the coach what's going on - he / she's not going to laugh at you or be cross because periods are a fact of life and you can't exactly control it. If anyone else teases you, they are just being immature. No reason why you should have to use tampons if they make you uncomfortable - I don't use them!
Probably best to have a practise with tampons so your swimming activities don't get interrupted every month- it would be pretty difficult if you had a competition whilst you were on your period! How old are you? When I was younger, I had quite a lot of difficulties with them, but now they're fine! Just practise and relax lots and you'll be able to do it :smile:
tampons are soooooo confusing!! i use lilets, they dont have that cardboard thing so there eaier to use.

also depending on how old u are you could get the injection pill, it stops your period and its a contraceptive at the same time, but b warned i got quite moody wen i was on it cos the hormones effected me quite alot. plus weirdly i miss the whole period thing!!!
From my experience, telling a man that you can't participate due to 'girl stuff' is soon as you mention it, they excuse you straight away! I think that's because thy don't want to go into detail or they dont really understand quite what is wrong. With women (especially older women!) I've found it harder, as they think it's not as bad as you make it...basically if they can deal with it you can! But I'd say the only way you'll know the answer is to actually tell them. Give it a go! :smile: