The Student Room Group

Extacy Legal Penalties

Maryijuana, though illegal to possess, and sell, is not illegal to be under the influence of(You will not have legal trouble for being high). How does it work with extacy, if you are given a test and it returns positive for E, will you have legal trouble just for testing positive for it being in your system.
Reply 1
I believe the penalty for using it and not knowing how to spell it, is death.
I believe the penalty for using it and not knowing how to spell it, is death.

I believe the penalty for using it and not knowing how to spell it, is death.

Not knowing how to spell Marijuana is an insult to a real swiss, is it?? :smile:
Reply 4
I believe the penalty for using it and not knowing how to spell it, is death.

spot on!
Reply 5
Wikipedia states it is illegal to buy, sell or possess. Doesn't say anything about using it in the UK. With Wikipedia being the source of all the world's knowledge, I guess it is unregulated, as usage of, so you say, other drugs.
I believe the penalty for using it and not knowing how to spell it, is death.

:rofl: my thoughts exactly
Reply 7
posession of ecstasy can get you up to 7 years in jail... still unsure about it being in the bloodstream though, does this count as possession?
Reply 8
I'm 99% sure it wouldn't count as possession, but I couldn't find anything on what happens if you do test positive for it. I presume there will be some penalty, being a Class A illegal substance, but I don't know what.
I don't know, but I guess there are different penalities for 'posession' and 'posession with intent to supply'... Also, I don't think that the police can force you to have a blood-test...
I believe the penalty for using it and not knowing how to spell it, is death.

maybe one of the holes it caused in the brain was the spelling area.
Reply 11
It is legal to buy, sell or manufacture ecstasy. it is a class a drug, so possession with intent to supply can be life (i think), but i would think its very rare for someone to recieve life unless they are porducing and selling a huge amount of it.

To be honest, i doubt you would get into trouble for testing positive for E. the police have better things to do with their time than lock everyone up who tested positive for drugs. it would be a whole lot of extra paper work for them. you might recieve a caution at the most. if you are tested at work, (eg if you are in the armed forces or police force) then i think you would probably loose your job.
Reply 12
Which is interesting, as I know someone (18+) found to have a reasonably large number of pills during a police search who got a punishment of 100 hours community service.

I'm no expert on the matter, but a hazy memory suggests that the consumption of the drug itself isn't a crime.

Quick google -
"Traces of drugs found in urine or blood cannot be used as evidence to support a charge of possession of drugs.

(Hambleton v Callinan 1968.)"
Reply 13
Which is interesting, as I know someone (18+) found to have a reasonably large number of pills during a police search who got a punishment of 100 hours community service.

I'm no expert on the matter, but a hazy memory suggests that the consumption of the drug itself isn't a crime.

Quick google -
"Traces of drugs found in urine or blood cannot be used as evidence to support a charge of possession of drugs.

(Hambleton v Callinan 1968.)"

I think it all depends on the person who is being prosecuted - if they have previous convictions, what they were for etc. i know someone who was caught with loads of pills (in his 30s) and he got 2 years in prison. but i know he has an incredibly long criminal record, and i think a lot of it was for drugs convictions. i dont think he served his full sentence because ive seen him about, and that was less than two years after he was convicted.
Also, I don't think that the police can force you to have a blood-test...
A swab on the inside of the mouth or the palms of the hands is a standard method now. The palms tests for it both in the sweat on your palms and also if you've been handling anything.

The palms one is certainly "non-intrusive" so they can probably force you to do that if they wish. I've seen clubs do that to people as they entre, so if a club has the right to "ask" you (you can always walk away) then I imagine a policeman has the right to force you.
El Scotto

maybe one of the holes it caused in the brain was the spelling area.
I'm not sure if that was slightly tongue in cheek or not, but the "it puts holes in your brain" notion is a myth. If you saw the Ecstasy thread which is probably on page 4 or 5 of this forum by now, I explain where that came from on one of the last 2 pages.
Which is interesting, as I know someone (18+) found to have a reasonably large number of pills during a police search who got a punishment of 100 hours community service.
I've heard of a case where someone was caught with something like 32 pills in a club but managed to plead his case that he was addicted to them when he went out and that he needed all of them for himself. He cited a load of information about MDMA and it's usage in the UK and managed to demonstrate to the judge he was addicted to them if I remember correctly. Still got found guilty of possession, but not the "intent to supply" part which was the one which carried the major jail time.

I'm not sure if that was slightly tongue in cheek or not, but the "it puts holes in your brain" notion is a myth. If you saw the Ecstasy thread which is probably on page 4 or 5 of this forum by now, I explain where that came from on one of the last 2 pages.

It ment it as a joke, but theres truth in your 'myth', I read an article in new scientist magazine confirming that it destroys the access ability to the short term memory, and I know from 'people' that they often find they forget random things and that their memory is that bit worse than before they started taking them (before you get on your defensive horse)
You're not legally obliged to take a blood test, however they may choose to haul you in if you refuse.