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The week from hell is about to commence- advice for getting through it?

Hey guys!

The thought of this week is filling me with dread! I have the busiest schedule ever this week and don't think there are enough hours in the day to get it all done! I have to read a 500 page novel before i can begin writing my 2,500 word essay for english which has to be in on thursday! I also have to write a twelve page plan (rough estimate!) for A2 chemistry coursework! I also have four geology essays to do and a bunch of AS resits to revise for.... and that is just the work side of things! My friend is having a major operation this week so i will be seeing him at hospital in the evenings quite a lot, i have a university interview on wednesday... my parents go away on friday for a weeks holiday which signals the start of me and two friends redecorating my bedroom! With so much to do, i need some tips on staying awake and alert with little amounts of sleep! All i can think to do is drink coffee but i don't know if it will be enough! Any ideas of how to get more packed into a day? And before it is suggested, i am banning TSR from my schedule!


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poor you.

The upcoming week for me has the easiest schedule for ages.

I only have an english examination (as a foreign language and it's my mother tongue) and i have to prepare a speech. That's all. As far as I know... :biggrin:
Reply 2
Last week was the busiest week I've ever had, I really wasn't looking forward to it at all, 7 days of constant stuff planned I had to rush between and get done. It wasn't great fun, but I got through it. (I won't bore you with the details).

One thing I did find helped was to organise something for the day after it all finishes. That gives you something to look forward to and remind you there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Helped me, and made that thing ten times better than it usually would be too.
Other than that, stay positive, and get plenty of sleep. Set yourself shut off times for work/reading; a time when you will put it all down for the evening and have some wind down time. It may mean you have to work 110% during the day to be able to allow yourself that free time, but I always find that much better than working at 85% non stop from the minute you wake up until the minute you fall asleep.

Good luck!
Reply 3
Just try not to stress yourself out too much, all work will fall into its place eventually. Just work hard - but not too hard! And maybe ask for a lil help from friends?
Reply 4
Thanks for the advice so far! I've just worked out that i will be getting by on about five hours sleep a night until next sunday! Eugh! I was wondering, where can you buy pro plus from if i am desperate and how does it work exactly?

Reply 5
Also your body can get surprisingly used to short periods of sleep. Be warned though, it will catch up with you. Keep a routine going
Reply 6
Try to get to bed earlyish (around 11:30) and get up earlyish (around 8). You'll work more effectively after a good night's sleep and in the morning when you're refreshed. Keep eating as well as possible.
Reply 7
Thanks for the advice so far! I've just worked out that i will be getting by on about five hours sleep a night until next sunday! Eugh! I was wondering, where can you buy pro plus from if i am desperate and how does it work exactly?

you get it from boots - but i would rely on it as it can give you the shakes - not good for writing essays - try to fit the reading in among other things e.g read everywhere - on you way to places ( careful if your trying to walk and read it doesnt work) in the bath, eating dinner ect.

and i think you can give yourself a week off from the revison to be honest
Reply 8
Oooh i didn't think about my diet! I suppose eating healthy will give me lots of energy! I plan to get in bed each night by midnight but need to be up at five am to do some work before college starts!

Get your coursework started earlier in future.

Get as much sleep as you possibly can.Drink a lot of water.Take time out from studies etc and go for a walk....refresh yourself!
Get off TSR for starters...
Reply 11
Oooh i didn't think about my diet! I suppose eating healthy will give me lots of energy! I plan to get in bed each night by midnight but need to be up at five am to do some work before college starts!


Yes, and you'll need the energy as you will be burning a lot of energy in working so hard.
Also, try to take breaks once every 40 minutes or so, or you'll stop being able to concentrate.
Reply 12
cant redecorating wait?
Reply 13
don't leave it all til the last minute. simple
Reply 14
Hey guys!
I have to read a 500 page novel before i can begin writing my 2,500 word essay for english

Read everywhere you can. Get the book out the way as soon as you can, and if you enjoy reading it, perhaps use it as "a break" from your other work. Could always try ditching reading it and get an overview from the internet/a friend? (Not recommended if can be avoided)

I also have to write a twelve page plan (rough estimate!) for A2 chemistry coursework!

I also have four geology essays to do

Perhaps see about an extension for these? Prioritise the ones you can perhaps get away with for now. If any of them are first drafts for example, do enough to hand it in, and once you get it commented and back to redo, you should have freed yourself up a little and be able to focus more on the second draft. That's what I did with my computing coursework this week.

A bunch of AS resits to revise for....

Obviously prioritise again. They are still a long way off, a week away from revision shouldn't be too damaging; I don't think I could revise with so much else going on anyway. Again perhaps just have a leisurely browse of notes when breaking from other work

My friend is having a major operation this week so i will be seeing him at hospital in the evenings

Explain your situation to him. Perhaps you can free an evening up. I know you'll want to see him but if it all gets too much, make sure he knows what you have going on so if you have to drop out one evening towards the week he understands (I'm sure he will, don't stress too much over missing a visit if you have to)

I have a university interview on wednesday...

Perfect opportunity to do some work on the train/car. Make use of the time otherwise spent sitting around bored. Amazing how productive you can be when you don't have anything more exciting do be doing.

the start of me and two friends redecorating my bedroom!

My advice to squeezing everything in. Like bodging the first drafts or getting extensions are not very 'final' solutions but are definitely options if you get too snowed under and could save you those couple of hours to allow you to maintain your sanity!
Sounds like hell! I don't envy you, though due to timetabling of my options atm I can appreciate the problem (though I've gone about it in completely the wrong way, irregular sleep, lots of caffeine, no attention to diet etc - I wouldn't advise it at all!) And btw, to people who've given the advice 'don't leave it till the last minute' - this isn't very helpful! Maybe she has, but it doesn't help to say so now - advice on how to solve that problem might be more useful.:smile:

Back on topic: I'd leave the revision for the moment. If you have such a busy week you're unlikley to get much done anyway and what you do do won't be that useful. You'd be better off gettting more sleep or spending the time on your coursework. in sny case, the work you're doing on the essays will probably be of some use. I just think that revision done when stressed and tired and in a hurry isn;t that much use, and you don't want to spend less time on other work to fit it in this week.
As far as Proplus goes, I don't think it's any worse than coffee - just be careful to follow the instructions and don't take too much in one go. 1 Proplus is 50mg of caffeine, whihc is about half a cup of 'normal' coffee. You can buy it in Boots - in the vitamins section, which I find quite amusing!

Good luck with everything - espcially your interview - and get enough sleep if you can! :smile:
Sounds like you've left it all till the last minute!
Sounds like you've left it all till the last minute!

I actually haven't though! My english was messed up by my teacher, who decided after i had been given my essay title that she didn't like the way it was worded and completely changed it! I felt the book i originally studied didn't work as well with the new title so was advised to read another book! The chemistry we were only given our title for on thursday so i haven't left it that late and the geology essays... what can i say! My teacher is a slave driver :p: ! I find generally though, that my college seems to give little work outside of lessons for a few months and then goes crazy and i struggle to get it all done! Thanks everyone for the constructive advice, rep points are on their way!

u better start doing evrth now instead of sitting in front of pc on TSR lol :wink: then you will be in time
Pro plus. And get used to breaking down in tears.