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First girlfriend was fifteen when we started going out/sixteen when we lost our virginities. Dated a girl two years younger than I. In terms of gap, I've had sex with people five years older/younger either side (recently--the younger was 18, the older was 28).
Reply 2
Does w*nking count?

If so - 12 and 24.
Reply 3
Oldest was my last boyfriend, 5 years older than me. I don't really date younger guys.
My age : 16

Oldest sex = 16
Youngest sex = 16

Oldest dated = 26
Youngest dated 16

Oldest kissed = 26
Youngest kissed 15
Reply 5
Youngest = 15
Oldest = 21
My current age = 19.
Ohhh the lies to follow... HAHAAA

Oldest 28, some fit woman, she's totally interested in some geeky 16yrold pre-pubescent boy like me... I think the glasses turn her on :wink:
Oldest 22 I was 17
Dated 19 I was 17
Current 18, im 18 :smile:
Youngest - 17
Oldest - 33

I'm 25. :P
Reply 9
Oldest 22, youngest 18, I'm 18 :smile:
Original post by Miss Communication
Youngest - 17
Oldest - 33

I'm 25. :P

you don't look 25:cool:
oldest guy i dated was only a few months older than me.
Reply 12
I don't date younger guys. Oldest was like 22.. I'm 18.
Original post by Casshern1456
you don't look 25:cool:

So I've been told. :s-smilie:
I've never been with anyone with a big age gap; my ex was a year and a half (one academic year) older than me and my current boyfriend is about 7 months older than me (I'm one of the younger people in my year).

I have no problem with big age gaps in relationships but I'm yet to meet anyone significantly older or younger who I have a lot in common with or am attracted to.
Oldest 27. Youngest 20. Bit of an age gap there. I'm 28.
Reply 16
Had sex with a 13 year old, oldest was I think nearly 30
Original post by Miss Communication
So I've been told. :s-smilie:

I mean you look younger at least I'd have guessed you younger..:smile:
Youngest was 3.14159..., oldest was OVER 9000!!!
Original post by chrislpp
Had sex with a 13 year old, oldest was I think nearly 30

I ope you weren't more than 13/14 at the time.