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About girls ...

Do they really not posess any psychic powers? Meaning even a little bit, in the sense that when a guy fancies her, she knows that he does without him having to tell her...

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yeah i know sometimes
it's the way you look at her
and the way you talk to her


do you talk to her a lot
Reply 2
Do they really not posess any psychic powers? Meaning even a little bit, in the sense that when a guy fancies her, she knows that he does without him having to tell her...

girls are cleverer than guys when it comes to body language, there better at playing games etc.
Reply 3
Girls posess more psychic powers than our male minds can comprehend.
What they don't know they'll find out. lol
yeah hes right
i like him already!
Reply 5
do you talk to her a lot

It's a lot complicated then this ... I'll reveal my story (maybe) later on in this thread ...
ok does she like you back
Reply 7
girls are cleverer than guys when it comes to body language, there better at playing games etc.

Esp. when the girl has studied psychology at A-level! :eek: :redface:


ok does she like you back

Just can't tell really; My story is really a shocking unbelievable one, that I might type up later.
Reply 8
i wish i was like the girls that know everything lol im totally oblivious to that type of thing....
no tell me i really wanna hear it now!


i know a boy that fancies me and i like him too
but i just want him to ask me out
Reply 10
i know a boy that fancies me and i like him too
but i just want him to ask me out

I think you should make the move ... actually I'll let you into my story a bit ...

... yesterday, she was actually asking me out ...
oooooooooooooooooooooo go for it
did you say yes
please tell me you did
Reply 12
I ignored her; 'blanked her'
why you idiot!! i thought you fancied her!
Reply 14
Told you it's a long story!! I'll write it up later ... hopefully you'll understand my point.
oh ok!


was she being a bitch or did she blank you
is somewhere on the lines of that
Reply 16
Do they really not posess any psychic powers? QUOTE]They seem to read the tea leaves quite well.
I ignored her; 'blanked her'


She asked you out, You fancied her, you ignored her?

what did you do? just change the subject?
yes we are great
we rock
Reply 19
was she being a bitch or did she blank you
is somewhere on the lines of that

No! she is sweet, I don't like using harsh words like 'b*tch' to describe people who are close to me.

I think; she was sympathising my loniliness state hence trying to give me a confidence boost by degrading herself to me... I'm sad and not sure what to do .. tomorrow I (might) see her in school ... should I talk to her?