The Student Room Group

Should I ask this girl out?

I met this girl @ uni, she's really sweet and I really like her. We watch movies and do loads of stuff together, but nothin is happening... I mean she's not the forward kinda girl so I dont she'll make the 1st move even if she likes me.
I'm really not sure wot to do, not that I cant bring myself to ask her, but if she says no, its gonna be soo awkward, cos i see her every day and we have a circle of friend that we both see etc.
Also quite a few weeks back I made quite a drunken 'proposal' to this other girl (who as ive come to know, wont be rite 4 me at all), and she kinda said no, that made things pretty werid between us and kinda drowned my confidence alot.

I really donno wot 2 do, i know there wont be any quick n fast answers, but some suggestions would be helpful!

Reply 1
Mate, it's your life. Think about what you want, if you think it's a good idea and you like her then what's stopping you?
Reply 2

Go to the cinema again (It'll give you something to talk about if things get akward after) and on the way out go for a hand hold, you can brush her hand accidently, then go to hold it and see how she responds, if she responds well then tell her how you feel, if not, leave it, but it sounds like she likes you, but that test should work out if you're stuck in the 'friend' catagory or not.
Reply 3
El Scotto

Go to the cinema again (It'll give you something to talk about if things get akward after) and on the way out go for a hand hold, you can brush her hand accidently, then go to hold it and see how she responds, if she responds well then tell her how you feel, if not, leave it, but it sounds like she likes you, but that test should work out if you're stuck in the 'friend' catagory or not.

Sounds a good idea but if its too hard for you to hold hands in any way put your arm round her instead :p:
Reply 4
Sounds a good idea but if its too hard for you to hold hands in any way put your arm round her instead :p:

Could even do the patented 'yawn, stretch, place arm around her' move!!! LOL
Reply 5
Lol... that is a timeless classic
Reply 6
Do you go to movies together just the two of you? Because if yes then chances are she likes you quite a lot anyway, otherwise she would have come up with some excuse by now! Girls are great at useless excuses, eg. "I'm washing my hair tonight" :biggrin:
I'd go for the gentle flirting first too if i were you.. holding hands, even if its just gradually.. like just touching fingers to start with.. then make the contact more nociable.. if you're in the cinema it shouldnt be too hard.
I owuldnt just straight out ask her out without doing anything about it to check i she likes you in that way first though... always seems a bit silly to me when guys do that..

but by the sounds of things - looks like your in for a good chance anyway!

good luck!! :smile::smile: