The Student Room Group

how do i ask him....

i fancy this boy and he fancies me but how would i ask him
i'm to shy around him


my cousin made a prank call and said who does he love
hes said me
i went really red
they know i fancy him urgh


he is funny and sweet and really gorgous!!!!!!!!!!!
i saw him on the bus the otherday and he gave me a really cheeky smile!!!!!!
Reply 1
i fancy this boy and he fancies me but how would i ask him
i'm to shy around him

Find an opportune moment (preferably when you've got him to one side without distractions) and just explain how you feel. You say hes attracted to you? Well that will make it less awkward. :smile:
Reply 2
Erm when he's alone and got none of his mates around him!
Reply 3
she called out my name while she was on the phone talking to him
becasued she said that
"i have a cousin that fancies the pants out of you and she said that your drop dead gorgous"then she called for me and said my name
he know i fancy him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


no its too difficult
hes one of my bestmates really close


my dad said i can't go out now maybe when i'm 99


he might say no!!!!!!!!!maybe he was joking when he said my name


he gave me a hug the otherday dunno why but hey who cares


ok theres actually no one helping me!
Reply 4
I don't understand the last post but that's me.

You like him + he likes you = what's the problem?
Reply 5
i'm too shy too ask him


what if he doesn't like me and he said it as a joke


oh i'm screwed
i fancy this boy and he fancies me but how would i ask him
i'm to shy around him


my cousin made a prank call and said who does he love
hes said me
i went really red
they know i fancy him urgh


he is funny and sweet and really gorgous!!!!!!!!!!!
i saw him on the bus the otherday and he gave me a really cheeky smile!!!!!!

Just find some moment where hes alone,
try to arrange a meeting through msn (so u avoid the embarassment of asking him), and then, over a cup of coffee at starbucks everything will seem easier, trust me (also becus if he accepted to come and see u at starbux it means that he is interested in some way :wink: )

dont try to say like "i have a crush on you" or send him a txt msg about it,
b more subtle, try to have him ask it, and if he doesnt, then do it urself :wink: :biggrin: :cool:

good luck

not that u need any :wink:


also, if he agrees to meet you for a coffee, which is almost a date,
it means that he is interested :wink: :cool:
and also, he could have said it not as a joke, but as an easier way of letting u know, eevn if it was meant to soundlike a joke, believe me, im a guy I would know heheee
Reply 7
r thanks you helped me alot thanks thanks thanks
ask him when hes on his own :smile:
Reply 9
thanks and welcome


g2g bye thanks for the advice bye
I think you're a bit mental. Are you sure this person actually exists?
:wtf?: to him. You both like each other, there's nothing to worry about.