The Student Room Group

Damn Girls!

Hah, time to join the masses asking for advice on this here forum!

Right - here is the story:

First met girl about one and a half years ago. Talked for about 5 minutes, realised she was very similar to me. Then went separate ways.

Half a year ago, she added me to MSN. Have been talking at least twice a week on MSN, often rather late - wasn't quite sure where it was leading. Now it just so happens that we have now gone to the sam Uni (though different college - she's on the other end of town)

Came to uni, met up with her once or twice - got on well, sp asked her out to the cinema. Went fairly well, was good fun, was beginning to think we were slightly more than friends. About a week later she asked me if I wanted to go see a film with her. Went to see that and all was good - I was beginning to think there was something there. Next week I asked her to go to the Cinema again (yeah yeah, boring I know). She said that she was going to see the same film with her friend, but he probably couldn't due to work - and asked if it was alright he he could come along if he finished his work. This seemed alright to me - I mean, it's a bit harsh to suddenly tell your friend you can't go because you are going with somebody else, so I said that was alright.... and then she mentioned that this friend was actually her boyfriend.



I'm sure she didn't have a boyfriend before coming to uni. Have I been beaten to it? Is it all going disasterously wrong? Have I misinterpreted the signs?

It would appear so...

I'm now rather pissed off with myself, and wondering what I'm going to do about it, if anything. Any ideas? I think maybe I should've been a bit quicker... I dunno

BTW: Went to the cinema with her, and without her boyfriend, and we seemed to be closer than then at any of our last meetings... weird.
Reply 1

shes testing you, But It sounds like she wants your nuts.

ignore the whole 'boyfriend' thing and make a move. I bet shes interested, and I bet even if she did have a boyfriend, he doesnt know about you two going out.
I don't really know. Maybe she just sees you as a friend and doesn't consider you guys going to cinema together as "dates", while you do. :dontknow:
You know what...maybe she doesn't even have the boyfriend.
I think that if you actually care about her and think you might be falling for her, you might want to talk to her about it as to make things clear as soon as least you won't end up getting hurt!
Reply 3

I just thought, If she did really have a boyfriend, shes not to be trusted, I'd actually go for the wide birth until you really got the mesage!
Reply 4
El Scotto

I just thought, If she did really have a boyfriend, shes not to be trusted, I'd actually go for the wide birth until you really got the mesage!

If she doesn't have a bf she's not to be trusted either.
Reply 5
El Scotto
I'd actually go for the wide birth until you really got the mesage!
That was what I was thinking. I'm tempted to email one of her friends and ask... but I'd have to be careful about that...

Only 2 weeks left of term - maybe I'll sit it out and do some subtle prying on MSN...
Reply 6
If she doesn't have a bf she's not to be trusted either.

heh, one step ahead of me you are!!
wow, I dont even know why she did it and I mean, if she loves her BF then she must not be interested in u at all, and if then, she would not go anywhere with you...and more than I that I consider it a bit stupid, that she wanted you and her BF and herself go out together, if Id suggest to my BF to go out with another male friend i am not sure that he would get it in a right this is really wierd...
anyway if she has a BF dont lose your time on her...
Reply 8
Thanks for all the replies guys!

...and more than I that I consider it a bit stupid, that she wanted you and her BF and herself go out together, if Id suggest to my BF to go out with another male friend i am not sure that he would get it in a right this is really wierd...

Actually, I found that a bit weird too. However there isn't much opportunity for us to see eachother as "friends", outside going to places like this. As I said, different college, different subject - not much chance of casual "bumping into", and we only have one friend in commen.

As for losing time on her - I've got nobody else to lose my time on at the moment, so I may as well lose in on her...
Reply 9
She's just being a friend. Don't think she was even flirting with you. :smile:
Reply 10
I'm surprised so many people have jumped to the conclusion that the girl is at fault and should not be trusted...

Personally, I'm in agreement with hugatree - I think he just misread any 'signs' he thought she was giving out, when she was just seeing it as a friendship.
Reply 11
El Scotto

I just thought, If she did really have a boyfriend, shes not to be trusted, I'd actually go for the wide birth until you really got the mesage!

Really? Personally, I would've thought to keep that in reserve until after the wedding. Still, it suggests 'commitment', I suppose.
Reply 12
El Scotto

shes testing you, But It sounds like she wants your nuts.

She wants his nuts!? Well put lol.

Sounds like she's a sneaky one, not telling you she had a boyfriend, probably not telling her boyfriend.

I know if my girlfriend went to someone with the cinema with another lad, especially if she didn't tell me...she wouldn't be my girl anymore lol.

Just leave her, sounds like trouble to me. There are lots of single girls who don't play games or tell lies/withold information.
She wants his nuts!? Well put lol.

Sounds like she's a sneaky one, not telling you she had a boyfriend, probably not telling her boyfriend.

I know if my girlfriend went to someone with the cinema with another lad, especially if she didn't tell me...she wouldn't be my girl anymore lol.

Just leave her, sounds like trouble to me. There are lots of single girls who don't play games or tell lies/withold information.

Exactly, It says to me she likes the attention and wants to see how far she can push things to see how it develops, whilst keeping her boyfriend meandering around just in case it doesnt work out.

If It was my girlfriend, she could fk right off.

But If I was him, (who obviousally fancies her) she must be worth a go, but bear in mind what she did to her old boyfriend!