The Student Room Group

Poems About You (Girls) - You Like?

Hi. I'm just wondering what you girls think about poems/poetry and having them written to you, or read at least. See I write my own, there's one in my sig.

Do girls like that? And do you think they're pulled out of the air? lol they're real feelings...would you girls think a guy liked you if he wrote a poem or would you not even think that? :P

Perhaps even liked you a lot hehe. Just a wondering...wonder if she will reply :smile:
Reply 1
Well you've deleted the poem so it would be difficult to tell you with specific reference to that poem. as far as if a guy wrote me a poem it would be pretty obvious he liked me unless it was really insulting.
My ex and I did have a whole poetry thing going on- I started it because I found something which I thought summed up our relationship and he kinda carried it on- we did write a bit for eachother and it was sweet but it never really meant a huge amount to me. it can be something to share together but its a bit clicheed really- i reckon it only works if the poems are actually good.
Reply 2
Thanks Trina.

Yeah, the one I put in the poetry section of this site was called 'Tell Me' it was okay yet slightly depressing since I was in that kinda mood.

However, my lady has seen good poems, one called 'Phoenix Rising' that she printed off and put on her wall cos she liked it so much. We are going I guess that does take from the novelty, but then again I wouldn't write a poem for a girl I didn't know well/wasn't going out with...

What do other girls think? And when are you going to see this thread? hehe :P
Reply 3
I liked the poem you posted - i'm not a girl though so can't tell you any more.
i definately like it if a guy writes a poem for me, shows he took the time and effect to go and write a poem based on the relationship, would make me mega blush and even like/love him more because of it! :p:
Reply 5
Thanks G4ry!

Yeah, it takes me some thought at least. As for time I write poems (even quite long ones like Tell Me) in only a few minutes, say five at most...
Reply 6
Thanks G4ry!

Yeah, it takes me some thought at least. As for time I write poems (even quite long ones like Tell Me) in only a few minutes, say five at most...

It's like a release and once you've finished, it's some kind of strange satisfying feeling that you released something like that - almost instinctively?
Reply 7
That's it :smile:

Usually I get lots of ideas before sleep, as I'm in's annoying so I either get up and type them on here or write them down. I think its do with not resolving issues before bedtime...psychologically speaking hehe.
Reply 8
Personally I think that poems make you feel special when they've been wrote about you. Its due to the fact the guy has took the time and energy to write a poem about you :smile:. It also shows how the guy actually feels because in a way it could be said that he is expressing his emotions.
I'd love my boyfriend to write me a poem! Even just a letter...I love getting letters and notes and things like that. He only writes to me though if I've written to him first...spoils it a bit really!
Hi. I'm just wondering what you girls think about poems/poetry and having them written to you, or read at least. See I write my own, there's one in my sig.

Do girls like that? And do you think they're pulled out of the air? lol they're real feelings...would you girls think a guy liked you if he wrote a poem or would you not even think that? :P

Perhaps even liked you a lot hehe. Just a wondering...wonder if she will reply :smile:

Hell yeah! I'd love to have a guy write a poem for/about me, or even just read me something romantic (I'm a sucker for Shakespeare's sonnets etc!) Even if it was really cheesy, it's the thought that counts, and its a really really sweet thought.
Reply 11
oooooooooh poetrys a turn on!!
Reply 12
not if they're sh ite. a metrically impeccable, well constructed sestina would do it for me. a bunch of emotional twaddle with the odd rhyming word thrown in would make me run the other way. then again, some of us ARE poetry nazis and wish to see its purity preserved, and not bastardised by the hormanal infatuation of prepubescent wannabes.
not if they're sh ite. a metrically impeccable, well constructed sestina would do it for me. a bunch of emotional twaddle with the odd rhyming word thrown in would make me run the other way. then again, some of us ARE poetry nazis and wish to see its purity preserved, and not bastardised by the hormanal infatuation of prepubescent wannabes.

Villanelles are sexier than sestinas. But even then you can write something metrically perfect and utterly vapid:

You're really fit, I'd like to do you now,
And all the time to stare into your eyes -
If you're not sure then I can show you how.

I think you're better looking than a sow
(Though I like bacon pigs don't make me rise)
- You're really fit, I'd like to do you now.

I love you so much I'd shout loudly "wow!"
The second your soft hand touched on my flies -
If you're not sure then I can show you how -

And soon we'd find some fertile fields to plough,
And plough away with sweating and with sighs:
You're really fit, I'd like to do you now!

And if we bored of ploughing, I'd allow
A game where I'm strapped down with gentle ties
(If you're not sure then I can show you how.)

My love, do I see furrows on your brow?
I just can't wait for you to realise:
You're really fit, I'd like to do you now!
If you're not sure then I can show you how.
Reply 14
I would like something if it was good. Sorry to be shallow, but I don't respond well to badly written love-poems.

Something like Pablo Neruda's sonnet XVII or ee Cummings' I like my body when...
Reply 15
That girl on the train

That girl on on train
makes me go so insane
Her eyes, pierce my heart
Her face sparkes my gaze
She takes over my brain

That Girl On The Train
Wish I knew her name
Could say my world
Turns round her today
But I am to shy to say

That Girl On The Train
Please dont go away
Stay One more stop
Have to tell you I love you
Want to wisk you away

That Girl On the Train
Gets up and sails away
The Doors Close ,my world from her
Next stop Baker Street, I'm filled with pain
Till I next see that girl from the train.
That girl on the northern line

That girl on the northern line
Makes me want to climb
Up her dress, more or less
And take what should be mine
'Cos she's so fine.

That girl on the Northern line,
I wish I had the time
To talk to her, walk up to her
Wiggle my wobbly willy up her,
But instead I just pine.

That girl on the Northern line
Is only size eight or nine -
I'd buy her a top from a shop
And a horse: clippity clop clop -
Cos I'm full of the love enzyme.

That girl on the northern Line
Is like a beacon of light that shines.
She makes me feel so gay (but not in that way).
"Can you tell the difference between assonance and rhyme",
Asked that girl on the northern line.

I wrote this just now whilst doing a poo.