That girl on the northern line
That girl on the northern line
Makes me want to climb
Up her dress, more or less
And take what should be mine
'Cos she's so fine.
That girl on the Northern line,
I wish I had the time
To talk to her, walk up to her
Wiggle my wobbly willy up her,
But instead I just pine.
That girl on the Northern line
Is only size eight or nine -
I'd buy her a top from a shop
And a horse: clippity clop clop -
Cos I'm full of the love enzyme.
That girl on the northern Line
Is like a beacon of light that shines.
She makes me feel so gay (but not in that way).
"Can you tell the difference between assonance and rhyme",
Asked that girl on the northern line.
I wrote this just now whilst doing a poo.