The Student Room Group


HELP!! i have them and i have treated myself five times and they keep coming bk i no you prob think im a tramp or discusting but i dont no were they came from and i gave them to my bf too anyone in my situation or advice to get rid i need to no wat im doing wrong cos i tried eveything and they wont go!! :tsr:
Reply 1
what are scabies?
Reply 2
Reply 3
what are scabies?

Goodness, I'm actually starting to perspire from the exertion.
Has ur bf got rid of them yet coz maybe u r passing them to and from each other. Eg: u give them to him, u treat urs but catch them from him again. Just a thought
Reply 5
OmiGod!!! :eek: Do you have pets at home?
Have you gone to your GP yet?
I don't think any of you can actually give you any proepr advice becasue this is an extrmemly rare case
Have u washed all ur clothes and bedding in hot water?
Reply 7
its not rare its a might in the skin like head lice and nits are def not rare


no i just keep giving him them again


there nothing rare about them there nits in the skin and wold you say that hwad lice is rare?


[its no way rare


i did all that all though not to sure how hot do u no of any one who had this?
Reply 8
so do you have to stop going to sch/uni for the moment becasue it is highly contageous
yeah they're not a sign of muckiness or anything.

I've got them right now myself (bit gross I know but oh well)...doused myself in that Debac M lotion last week, washed everything I own (including jackets, coats etc) in super hot water and so far they seem to be going.

I have no clue where mine came from either, I don't even have a bf so I'm not in close enough contact with anyone to pick them up. No pets either.

Just praying they're going for good! The stuff the doc prescribes is available over the counter so I'm not sure going to see him/her would offer anymore help. Mine did say you can pick it up from kids so I guess if you have small bros/sis or babysit? :confused:
Reply 10
[n you have to have close skin contact they dont jump and they are very hard to get rid of and very easy to get so be carefull eveyone out there!!


yeah they're not a sign of muckiness or anything.

I've got them right now myself (bit gross I know but oh well)...doused myself in that Debac M lotion last week, washed everything I own (including jackets, coats etc) in super hot water and so far they seem to be going.

I have no clue where mine came from either, I don't even have a bf so I'm not in close enough contact with anyone to pick them up. No pets either.

Just praying they're going for good! The stuff the doc prescribes is available over the counter so I'm not sure going to see him/her would offer anymore help. Mine did say you can pick it up from kids so I guess if you have small bros/sis or babysit? :confused:

oh my god some else who nos how i feel i tried that lotion from gp 5 times infact!! i just wondered how hot you washed the stuff on? how did you get it then i av no idea
Towels & sheets at 90 degrees....everything else on 60 degrees at least. Pop em all on a hot drying cycle too and this should kill the little b*ggers
Reply 12
thanks for that i heard if you leave the items for three days without skin contact they will die??? do u think u have got rid?? how long before you treated it wen you new you had it?? did it get really bad or was it the first stages??
thanks for that i heard if you leave the items for three days without skin contact they will die??? do u think u have got rid?? how long before you treated it wen you new you had it?? did it get really bad or was it the first stages??

I dunno about the 3 day thing, I read it was 7 days and the stuff had to be stored in an airtight container! The hot washing thing is probably the best, total 'mare dragging all my stuff over to the laundry but luckily I had a hungover flatmate in tow :biggrin:

I was hoping they'd gone but I have a v. similar looking rash that's just flared up on my arm so I'm not convinced! I noticed them first on a Saturday, then went to the doc and got the stuff the next Thursday (I have eczema so I thought it was just that or a bad reaction to a food). It was a blotchy red rash up both my arms between the elbows and wrists and a teeny bit on my hands too. I have abolsutely no idea how I caught it, I have a total aversion to hugging people etc let alone "close physical contact" so I am totally baffled :eek:
Reply 14
I dunno about the 3 day thing, I read it was 7 days and the stuff had to be stored in an airtight container! The hot washing thing is probably the best, total 'mare dragging all my stuff over to the laundry but luckily I had a hungover flatmate in tow :biggrin:

I was hoping they'd gone but I have a v. similar looking rash that's just flared up on my arm so I'm not convinced! I noticed them first on a Saturday, then went to the doc and got the stuff the next Thursday (I have eczema so I thought it was just that or a bad reaction to a food). It was a blotchy red rash up both my arms between the elbows and wrists and a teeny bit on my hands too. I have abolsutely no idea how I caught it, I have a total aversion to hugging people etc let alone "close physical contact" so I am totally baffled :eek:

did your doctor diagnose it straigth away i no if the rash is bk u may need to re apply seven days later but please take not they are VERY hard t shift i have treated my self 5 times so i hope you have better luck. i have no idea were they come from either !!
yeah the doc recognised it right away and i have applied the stuff like i'm supposed to
Reply 16
ahhhhh just the thought of that makes me scringe. i had it a few years ago and it was such a horrible few months in my life :frown: so sad and felt like dieing. its torture.

here's what to do, use the cream your GP gave you and rub it over your WHOLE body, wash ALL your clothes in HOT water, bed spread, pillow, pillow case, EVERYTHING, towels, just EVERYTHING!

also, dont forget even if you dont have it anymore, your body will Still itch like crazy because the mite's dead bodies and their excretions are still in your body for a while. so if you itch even a month after its gone thats normal. good luck :frown:
Reply 17
did you get rid of it strate away or did it keep coming bk how did u get rid cos i have treated it 5x and it wont go how hot does the wash need to be and is it true that after 3 days after no skni contact they will just die plz get bk to me im desoperate!!! by hte way how did you get them??