The Student Room Group

feeling lonely

Started uni a couple of weeks ago and was thrown into it all - loving it, met so many new people and have lots of lovely friends... but nothing on the guy front - NOT the end of the world obviously... just feeling a little lonely.
not had a boyfriend for a while - kinda did before the summer but we didnt take it any further coz we were going to different unis = still think about him lots though and talk to him quite a bit.
just wiish there was a guy who could give me a big hug and tell me it'll all be alright on those days when it feels a little too much! but theres not even anyone in particular i fancy - a few nice guys who if they seem interested i might consider whether i actually like them but no one appears to be overly interested in me in that way - just feeling a little lonely!


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Started uni a couple of weeks ago and was thrown into it all - loving it, met so many new people and have lots of lovely friends... but nothing on the guy front - NOT the end of the world obviously... just feeling a little lonely.
not had a boyfriend for a while - kinda did before the summer but we didnt take it any further coz we were going to different unis = still think about him lots though and talk to him quite a bit.
just wiish there was a guy who could give me a big hug and tell me it'll all be alright on those days when it feels a little too much! but theres not even anyone in particular i fancy - a few nice guys who if they seem interested i might consider whether i actually like them but no one appears to be overly interested in me in that way - just feeling a little lonely!


Give it time! :smile: if you've only been there a few weeks, everyone will just be finding their feet, and starting to make new friends...
Have you been home to meet up with old school friends yet? that might help, especially if you're all going through the same thing.
and, if you still like the guy you went out with before uni, don't completely disregard the idea of a distance relationship! I'm in one, and they're not as bad as they're sometimes cracked up to be :smile:
I want to know where all these girls are who are looking for a boyfriend, cause i never seem to bump into any!! :frown:
I want to know where all these girls are who are looking for a boyfriend, cause i never seem to bump into any!! :frown:

Ditto :confused:
Reply 4
I miss my bf. :frown: For... *counts* 8 months.
Reply 5
just wiish there was a guy who could give me a big hug and tell me it'll all be alright

aww bless i feel the same, everyone i know seems to have ditched me beucase i don;t have much money left!! and i can't believe how much it hurts i thought id always be one of the loved ones, but everything seems to have gone the other way and i just want someone to cry on when i feel like crying!! everyone else blames me and says im stupid blames me for everything, all i have tried to do is please people in my life, the smallest thing and i do it wrong,
i feel like such a waste of space most of the time, and none wants to give me a chance anymore, i saw someone i knew the other day and i choose to ignore them as they will only ask if i had any money!!

i can;t believe that the people i love so much have treated me this way!! i don;t trust anyone and i am just about getting back to me but i have never felt so alone in all my life

im just getting on with things, yer i feel poop most of the time i just put on the brave face but none knows how i really feel as i am still always joking,
sorry its boring and long winded i know, but i think that everything gets better it has before and i do believe it will do again if it time hun and it will get better
i can;t believe after reading your post it made me shed a tear sorry i feel silly now!!
I feel exactly the same as the topic starter.I've been all fed up and lonely for ages and I came to uni and thought 'Oh someone here has got to like me like that'...

Do they hell?!

Not the slightest bit of interest apart from a chav in a club and this guy who is completely and utterly not my type in looks or personality.

I mean,I'm not *ugly*...I know I'm not gorgeous but still...I'm a nice person,I'm funny,I'm witty....why oh why does no one seem interested in me?Grrr.I've seen some incredibly unattrative,horrible girls with boyfriends and I think why them?

Not the slightest bit of interest apart from a chav in a club

What did you base that on, his appearance or behaviour...or both?
Reply 8
I want to know where all these girls are who are looking for a boyfriend, cause i never seem to bump into any!! :frown:

I concur
What did you base that on, his appearance or behaviour...or both?

Both.He was wearing the chav clothes and dancing up behind me and trying to grope me and then proceeded to follow me around all night when I kept moving away from him.

Why do you ask?
because I always get labelled one
Reply 11
I split up with my ex of five years xmas 04..........and feel the same as you girls. Just having someone there when I need them would be nice. Everyone seems to be in a relationship........but me!
You get use to it
Reply 13
You get use to it

Not after 8 months you don't.
I've been single nearly 4 years
Reply 15
I've seen some incredibly unattrative,horrible girls with boyfriends and I think why them

and teh blokes are all well good looking i don;t understand it i attract boring and nasty people

maybe i should set my standard abit higher!!
Reply 16
I've been single nearly 4 years


Difference is you're single, I'm still attached... more or less.
If your just looking for a partner all the time then your gonna ooze of desperation
Reply 18
I've been single nearly 4 years

How old r u?
Reply 19
and teh blokes are all well good looking i don;t understand it i attract boring and nasty people

maybe i should set my standard abit higher!!

Guys have egos, they don't want them to get destroyed. So instead of going for really attractive girls as they are seen to some as un-obtainable and may face rejection. They compromise and go for something a little less attractive and someone they perceive to be obtainable. Which explains why you sometimes see good looking guys with girls you think are nothing special.