The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i flirt without realising....
Reply 3
its quite bad i often end off giving the wrong signals when all i think im being is friendly.
Reply 4
its quite bad i often end off giving the wrong signals when all i think im being is friendly.

then never talk to americans you dont know over aim
Reply 5
then never talk to americans you dont know over aim

nice piece of advice :p:
I do, I know exactly what u mean lol! Even if I dont find them particularly attractive, I still find myself flirting...strange...but then the ones I DO want to be with (who ARE within my league and reachable), I cant even bring myself to talk to :eek:
its quite bad i often end off giving the wrong signals when all i think im being is friendly.

Same with me.
Reply 8
It is bad for me because I have reassurance issues and so I will just grab breasts occasionally, its my way of saying I feel comfortable around you, it does not mean that i like you or find you attractive.

Its more of a problem around fat gay boys though.
Reply 9
people usally tell me when i am flirting as i don;t realise

lovin it though all the same
Reply 10
I am a terrible flirt - I can hear myself and I just think "wtf are you saying?!!" I just sound like a tool.
Reply 11
Duck and Cover
I do, I know exactly what u mean lol! Even if I dont find them particularly attractive, I still find myself flirting...strange...but then the ones I DO want to be with (who ARE within my league and reachable), I cant even bring myself to talk to :eek:

Awww, that's really sweet. Nice to know some men are still bashful...
Reply 12
Apparently, my voice is as such as to give of as if I'm flirtatious with everyone I speak to. Now that is bad.
V.P. Keys
Apparently, my voice is as such as to give of as if I'm flirtatious with everyone I speak to. Now that is bad.

i don't know, i flirt and i still only get the guys that that traet their GF like crap. :bawling: