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Reply 1
Naaah. Most children are horrid creatures who scream and get in the way and generally annoy me.

I do want children one day. Mine are going to be perfect though :biggrin:
Haha omg. I personally really like children because they're so innocent (well the ones that aren't naughty) and easily made happy, and they think everyone older than them knows everything. But yea I know some ppl who don't really like children........I guess it's as normal as hating anything
Reply 3
i doubt you will have to worry about ever having a chance to make children :wink:
Awww. You hate kids? I don't. Okay, some are very annoying and loud and so on and so forth...but you can't hate them for that.
Reply 5
I hate kids and I never ever want any.
Reply 6
Is it wrong to hate children? Am I the only person who thinks that way?

I don't ever want to have children.

I hated kids for ages. Prolly cos I was a waitress for O LONG and idiot parents think its a great idea to let thier kids run around your feet whilst you have steaming bowls of soup etc. Effing w****rs.

I don't like the fact I will loose my *shapely* figure. I don't want my boobs to go. i don't want to *have* to get out of bed for anyone. Esp at 3am unless it involves a bit of rumpy pumpy.

They cost money. lots of money.

But I got to England and met my little cousins and they are the coolest kids in the world, so well behaved and funny! I feel like I'm 12 again.

So yeah, I do want them, one day, but I am having plastic surgery to compensate, yar boo sucks to all those who dissapprove.


Is it wrong to hate children? Am I the only person who thinks that way?

I don't ever want to have children.

That said, I don't think that EVERYONE has to have kids. There is this really weird thing in Aus where people get really effed off at people who get married and then choose not to have kids. I thouroghly approve of your right to marry and not have kids. Esp if you hate kids or perhaps can't have kids. Or prefer your aeroplane. Its your life, do what you want
Is it wrong to hate children? Am I the only person who thinks that way?

I don't ever want to have children.

I'm not sure they'd let you.
Your attitude will probably change, I used to hate kids, now I think they are amazing.
Is it wrong to hate children? Am I the only person who thinks that way?

I don't ever want to have children.

yeah most are so annoying, wouldn't go as far as hating them, but i don't think i can stand being around them for long, might consider having them some day though...
Reply 10
I only like beautiful kids (who are over 10)
Reply 11
i want children at some point in my life however sometimes i cant stand other people's children. i remember being in Disneyland once and a kid was crying, kicking and screaming and basically being a little ****. i felt like shouting "How can you not be happy in Disney!"
Haha omg. I personally really like children because they're so innocent

I can fix that :wink:

Reply 13
Kids hardly seem to be innocent for long these days. If i see one more 5 year old gyrating to Britney Spears....

I know a lot of people who hate kids. I think anyoen who has them loves them once they're born, but if you really don't want them there's no point. I would hate the idea of being old with no children or grand children to look after me tho.
lol ice cube sound like my mum!

i used to hate kids, but as i cant have any myself realised i only hated them because i had this like defence mechanism so i wouldnt be upset that i couldnt have any (hope this makes sense lol)

i would like to have kids some day being 22 tho im sure it wont be long...with all these new things that can be done like IVF itll probably be possible some day
Reply 15
I'm good at being people's mums. People can have kids over 50 now.... there's lots of time left!
I'm good at being people's mums. People can have kids over 50 now.... there's lots of time left!

Ewww... the babies would be all old and wrinkly and stuff
Reply 17
Ewww... the babies would be all old and wrinkly and stuff

Heehee that would be a bit of a shock.... "Blimey that's an old one!"
Reply 18
Is it wrong to hate children? Am I the only person who thinks that way?

I don't ever want to have children.
Is there anything you don't hate? :p:

Anyway, I love children...I've always been able to get on very well with people younger than me. OK, they can sometimes be little brats, but they're generally quite nice :smile:
Maybe that's why I had no problem with being a prefect/class helper in my final year of school.
Reply 19
Hate them? No. They're lovely, as long as you can give them back to their parents at the end of the day :biggrin: