The Student Room Group

Pain in Lungs

I just completed a 4 km cross country race and I came 57th. I usually come 1st or 2nd in practice runs but today my lungs started burning halfway through the race and I couldn't keep up. I never had such a problem before. Everybody expected me to do really well and that makes me feel like...well you know. But I am more concerned with my lungs. It felt horrible...I could taste blood and I was coughing frequently. By the time I finished the race I was breathing extremely rapidly and I could not take in large quantities of air as it hurt too much. Does this mean that I might have some respiratory problem/condition?
Reply 1
the fact you could taste blood is quite worrying. apart from nothing else sounds majorly bad. go to docs to get it checke dout though if your worried. Wen i was doin my army recruit run i felt exactly the same mate and the staff there said its normal. Sometimes as well the fact its cold gives u pains in ur lungs.
Reply 2
Yeah it was pretty cold today. I hope that's the only reason.
Reply 3
wow my lungs/ribs were killing while i was running today too,

i was going to post about it, my chest felt really tight and i had been coughing lots when i got home the coughing has stopped a fair bit now tho. but it wasnt a coughing fit or anything just like im constantly trying to clear my throat ?

Reply 4
I always taste blood when I do maximal effort physical activity, its usually a result from not warming up properly. Did you also find that you had a really bad cough after the race?
Reply 5
Extremely bad cough! I had cough attacks nearly every 10 seconds and it was always 5-6 in a row.
Reply 6
I get this when its cold and i ride my bike.
It may be a bloodclot. Get it seen to.
hey now theres nothing wrong with 57th, be proud
Reply 9
Bearing in mind this is the worst case scenario - it could be a pneumothorax or collapsed lung... ??
Reply 10
hey now theres nothing wrong with 57th, be proud
Yeah true...there are only 56 people in my school who did better than me.

it could be a pneumothorax or collapsed lung... ??

Now you've really got me worried. However, I feel perfectly all right now and I doubt it will happen again. One other reason could be that I only had 6 hours sleep in the 72 hours before the race...
Reply 11
I think you should go to the doc ASAP and probably call NHS direct, just in case.
Reply 12
I think you'd know if you had a collapsed lung somehow.
its probebly normal! i always taste blood after hard excercise, usually when not warmed up as said above, even from just playing a bit of netball lol. dont worry about it, if it keeps happeneing go see the doctor but its probeby normal
Wow tasting blood? That is so werid I have never experienced that!! Sounds yak. I normally just feel winded.

Just win next time, that'll show um
Reply 15
Maybe worth seeing a doctor and getting a chest x-ray done !