The Student Room Group

How to react to a girl who tries to make you jealous?

So first of all, I like a girl. She's shown signs of liking me. I feel I've played it a bit too cool around her, I rarely if ever comment on her Facebook and at once I gave her a hug, although I do try to talk to her in person whenever I can. We've been speaking for about two months.

So yesterday I was with her and she started being flirtatious towards two guys. One of them, a mate of mine who has a girlfriend (which I would assume she's aware of) she went over to him and rubbed his arm as a greeting. Then she started rubbing his back, and grabbing the back of his head.

This actually hurt quite a bit. She tried striking up a conversation later on about a teacher when it was just me and her, and I just responded with one-worded responses, because she just made me feel miserable. And maybe subconsciously I was trying to make her feel bad, or aware that she had upset me.

But would the "act distant/guilt trip" thing be a good move? If not, how should I deal with a girl like this?
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous

Pretty simple. Just ignore them. Not worth your time.
Reply 2
Dont let Girls play games with you, dont pitch the bitch. And obviously youve got no game if youre too much of a pussy to do anything after 2 months.

Not bein a dick, just sayin
don't show her that you're jealous and watch her think she's failed
Dude, stop beating around the bush, ask her for a walk, hint her that you have feelings for her (dont tell her you love her) and ask her what she thiks about you.
You knew her for so long, even if she likes you she might be thinking that you are not interested, so she will obviously be looking for another guy.
GTFO out of here. You don't need to play childish games with her
Reply 6
She can do what she likes. Maybe she doesn't fancy you, and sees you as a friend rather than boyfriend material.

You've done very little to show you're interested. If you want exclusive rights, you have to be going out with her. Man up and ask, or just put up with it.
Reply 7
she obviously likes u reaally much to go through all that trouble sooo go for it u obviously unconsciously hv feelings 4 her...go 4 it
Original post by jimbo139
She can do what she likes. Maybe she doesn't fancy you, and sees you as a friend rather than boyfriend material.

You've done very little to show you're interested. If you want exclusive rights, you have to be going out with her. Man up and ask, or just put up with it.

This! ****ing well said.
I really don't think she was trying to make you jealous, so if you act 'off' with her she will just think you're being weird. You aren't even in a relationship and from what you've said you haven't really done anything to get with her so she has no obligations to you. You need to tell her how you feel, see what she says and go from there.
Just play along. Deflect everything but please don’t for one minute believe a word of it. It’s a test to see how mentally strong you are wether she’s doing it subconsciously or deliberately it’s designed to separate the wheat from the chaff. If she says “I’m out with another guy tonight” just say “lovely evening for it!” Why would someone say that to you unless they were gauging a reaction. Think about it. :-)
Original post by TheProdigy2k9
This! ****ing well said.

Original post by Wilzpm01
Just play along. Deflect everything but please don’t for one minute believe a word of it. It’s a test to see how mentally strong you are wether she’s doing it subconsciously or deliberately it’s designed to separate the wheat from the chaff. If she says “I’m out with another guy tonight” just say “lovely evening for it!” Why would someone say that to you unless they were gauging a reaction. Think about it. :-)

The thread is 7 years old

Just putting it our there
Original post by Anonymous
So first of all, I like a girl. She's shown signs of liking me. I feel I've played it a bit too cool around her, I rarely if ever comment on her Facebook and at once I gave her a hug, although I do try to talk to her in person whenever I can. We've been speaking for about two months.

So yesterday I was with her and she started being flirtatious towards two guys. One of them, a mate of mine who has a girlfriend (which I would assume she's aware of) she went over to him and rubbed his arm as a greeting. Then she started rubbing his back, and grabbing the back of his head.

This actually hurt quite a bit. She tried striking up a conversation later on about a teacher when it was just me and her, and I just responded with one-worded responses, because she just made me feel miserable. And maybe subconsciously I was trying to make her feel bad, or aware that she had upset me.

But would the "act distant/guilt trip" thing be a good move? If not, how should I deal with a girl like this?

make her jealous by having sex with her dad.
But what if she was just being friendly and it looked as if she was flirting.
If this is not the case, then move on because it’s too much drama and your time is better spent elsewhere ☀️
Original post by WEASEL espinoza
The thread is 7 years old

Just putting it our there

Only just realised 🤣🤣
Original post by WEASEL espinoza
The thread is 7 years old

Just putting it our there

Well, the good news is that OP has either got the girl or gotten over it by now :wink:
Given that the thread has already been well and truly bumped, I'll chip in with my general opinion on such girls, which would be avoid like the plague. Not into girls who play games.
Original post by cb3520
Just ignore it. And keep it moving. It will bother her emotions the most. PASS. Be non reactive. Usually the other guy is a dude she’s not interest in anyways. It shows self confidence by being non reactive.

This was 11 years ago... I think OP is fine now.