The Student Room Group

Wanted ~

Wanted - a boy who doesn't play mind games, cheat, lie, patronise, bitch or treat me like an agony aunt. Sense of humour and intelligence required. Piercings, dark hair and make-up optional but preferred.

Does anyone else sometimes feel that they are a complete no-go area for respectable members of the opposite sex? I am so tired of ending up with immature, pointless boyfriends - and yet I could swear that not only do I attract them from miles away, but that they change like horrible chameleons from quite pleasant boys to total morons the minute we kiss.
Its like Prince Charming in reverse. Please turn all boys back into frogs. Thank you.

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Reply 1
Im guessing youre hung up on looks? If so, give someone ugly a chance!
Reply 2
Im guessing youre hung up on looks? If so, give someone ugly a chance!

Looks are the absolute least of it. I'm hardly Asia Argento myself and am all too aware of who is considered 'in my league'. Its all about the character, to my mind - as long as you're not physically repulsed, of course...
Reply 3
Anyway you can clearly see half the requirements shown are not based on looks.
Good luck. Lots of guys out there aren't so bad, it's just where to find them.
Reply 4
we tend to hide in dark corners cos we are crap and dont have any confidence :wink:
Reply 5
i tend to attract the no so nice people,
my last boyfriend well well what a waste of space

i don;t see why i can;t have a nice guy like most people have!! i must have done something to make them not like me all that much!!
Yeah, all us nice guys hide in dark corners. As for the mind games - I think almost everybody does that to a slight extent...
Reply 7
we tend to hide in dark corners cos we are crap and dont have any confidence :wink:

Remind me to hang around in dark corners...:wink:
Dark corners: The hip and happening place for all you singles out there! Who needs speed-dating when you can loiter and linger in the shadows all night long.
Actually I think somebody should mention that young girls shouldn't really be wandering into dark corners where they see guys lurking...

To be on the safe side, I'd go for well lit dark corners with lots of people walking by.
Reply 10
Wanted - a boy who doesn't play mind games, cheat, lie, patronise, bitch or treat me like an agony aunt. Sense of humour and intelligence required. Piercings, dark hair and make-up optional but preferred.

Does anyone else sometimes feel that they are a complete no-go area for respectable members of the opposite sex? I am so tired of ending up with immature, pointless boyfriends - and yet I could swear that not only do I attract them from miles away, but that they change like horrible chameleons from quite pleasant boys to total morons the minute we kiss.
Its like Prince Charming in reverse. Please turn all boys back into frogs. Thank you.

I'm a nice guy (despite all the neg rep lol just cos I have an opinion). Although I do have my own problems, obstacles etc it doesn't interfere with my virtue, and wish to help other people and make happy the people that I care about.

"Oh no you're touching emotions I used to hide, too deep inside" if only hehe.

But yeah, I spose you have to just get lucky, and ditch the little boys ASAP, life's too short and happiness is fleeting :P

Ooh I'm a philosopher hehe.
Reply 11
Wanted - a boy

There lies your problem.
Reply 12
Wanted - a boy who doesn't play mind games, cheat, lie, patronise, bitch or treat me like an agony aunt. Sense of humour and intelligence required. Piercings, dark hair and make-up optional but preferred.

Lol you just described my boyfriend. Minus the make-up.
You can have him after I'm done.
ps. Not really sorry... I want to keep him! :biggrin:
Reply 13
Sense of humor is such a vauge term... you can have a strong sense of humor but not be very funny yourself if you don't have much confidence and social skills.
Reply 14
Looks are the absolute least of it. I'm hardly Asia Argento myself and am all too aware of who is considered 'in my league'. Its all about the character, to my mind - as long as you're not physically repulsed, of course...
You should warn people!

I just googleimaged Asia Argento and got lots of naked pics, and I'm in the uni library! Nice one!
Reply 15
you want a boy with piercings? what do you expect to get....


and plus, the boys treat YOU like an agony aunt? from experience its always girls that treat boys as agony aunts, boys normally keep their problems to themselves and try and solve them where as girls seem to go on and on and on about them....
Lol i want a guy too... ah well....
Reply 17
you want a boy with piercings? what do you expect to get....

Certainly not social stereotyping, thanks.

and plus, the boys treat YOU like an agony aunt? from experience its always girls that treat boys as agony aunts, boys normally keep their problems to themselves and try and solve them where as girls seem to go on and on and on about them....

Well in my experience its been the other way round. I'm generally quite taciturn about problems I have unless I feel that I can't deal with them on my own, in which case I'll confide in one or two people who a) I trust and b) I think will be able to give me good advice. My previous boyfriends have tended to adhere more strongly to the female stereoptype...
Reply 18
seriously what do girls see in piercings on boys? by the nature of piercings (you get one to show off if you are a boy) you are going to have certain characters getting them...

fair enough you may have just been unlucky about being an agony aunt but i think 90% of the time it is the girl who is always 'moaning on' at the boy....
My advert would last about two A4 pages.

Something like: Wanted- Funny, intelligent guy with no emotional baggage, good shoes, who can make interesting conversation, make me laugh, with a good haircut and similar taste in music, who doesn't agree with everything I say but isn't a tory or a communist (although the latter would be perferable), drives a nice car, maybe a mini, doesn't have a psycho ex-girlfriend, an inferiority complex, any strange fetishes or blonde hair. Must have nice eyes and be a good kisser. Must like going out, getting plastered, and not be embarassed when I do the same. Will treat me as an equal but at the same time open doors for me and help me put my coat on. Will not groan when I talk about fashion, music or the O.C but instead smile beatifically and tolerantly and direct the conversation elsewhere. Must know how to make a good mojito. Must be spontaneous and romantic, with at least one other euopean language. Knowledge of politics, literature and celebrity gossip preferred, as well as decent fashion sense but must not take longer in the bathroom with me.

Think he exists? Nu-huh. All boys are frogs, become a nun.