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Why do girls like men that are late etc.....??

Hey all,

I was just wondering why (some) girls like guys who turn up late for dates or never phone them for instance? Not treat them bad but 'treat them mean to keep them keen' kinda thing? (I'm a guy btw) Is it because they like they feeling of uncertainty and the unpredictability of their boyfriends actions, something like that?

Lol I totally don't get this cos I would just get annoyed if a girlfriend was often late/ didn't call etc. So could any girls please give me some insight on this? Do any guys 'treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen'?? What do you do to produce this effect lol?

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Cos they're thick.
Reply 2
that would really piss me off
Reply 3
exactly, people who turn up late or late without calling to let you know are rude and should be shot at birth
Reply 4
if its one thing i hate its my girlfriend turning up late!!!!
I don't know, I find a certain level of arrogance appealing (God knows why!) but dunno if I'd let it go that far..
Reply 6
oh my god im late!!!!

*runs to get pregnancy test*
Reply 7
my ex was like that and that didn't getus very far (what an idiot)
Reply 8
right which bastard took away my smiley happy shiny green gem?
Reply 9
I know what you mean - I'm a nice polite guy, and you get fed up of seeing all these guys who treat women like sh*t getting loads of attention - doesn't make sense to me since no one claims to like that either...
The same reasoning behind how 'hard 2 get' usually works.
Reply 11
yea but some girls are just plain thick because they 'play hard to get' and eventually the guy gives up...then they end up upset because they realised they've lost out

..can only laugh at those girls
in my opinion, its because the grass is always greener on the other side kind of situation here. sometimes we want what we cant have, or thats what i find anyway. so if a guy is playing hard to get or treating girls mean, it can make them want them all the more. nice guys are considered safe, and sometimes its boring being treated nice all the time.

my new bf is a really nice guy, but im not used to being treated all nice...
I hate it when people are late. I do not like being kept waiting. If you're late, I'll be really ****** about it, but I'm always late myself.

I wouldn't say it applies specifically to girls, I think a lot of people like the thrill of the chase.
Reply 14
I've had nice guys and "nasty" guys, and i do have to admit, the "nasty" guy affected me a lot more.
Hey all,

I was just wondering why (some) girls like guys who turn up late for dates or never phone them for instance? Not treat them bad but 'treat them mean to keep them keen' kinda thing? (I'm a guy btw) Is it because they like they feeling of uncertainty and the unpredictability of their boyfriends actions, something like that?

Lol I totally don't get this cos I would just get annoyed if a girlfriend was often late/ didn't call etc. So could any girls please give me some insight on this? Do any guys 'treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen'?? What do you do to produce this effect lol?

we dont lol, well i dont anyway! a guy did this to me, and wen he stood me up i eventually just gave up caring litterally, it just took all my feelings away for him, but i think he feels the whole keep em keen etc cos after i cudnt b bothered i didnt tx or bother to contact him at all, and now its totally turned around from me being keen to him wanting to take me out for dinner! so i guess it does work just dont take it too far. to be honest im surprised at myself for letting him take me out after standing me up, but o wel, i guess im the sorta girl that just gives out a lot of second chances lol, maybe he'l shape up this time, he better!!
Reply 16
my ex was supposed to come and see me one sunday, we decided we needed a serious talk after one of his drunken phone calls so we agreed fro him to come and pick me up from mine at 1. 1 came no sign.... 10 mins passed still no sign..... and hour passed and i guessed he wasnt coming. a whole hour! not one phone call! and when i tried to call him, his phone was off!! :eek: not only did it really piss me off, it really uspet me (prick) so no i dont like guys like that at all lol
Reply 17
why does nice equal boring? I can't understand it. Nice guys finish last...
Reply 18
I never finish last.
I would hate that! don't really go along with the whole 'hard to get' thing - it's just nice to talk, without worrying about if he thinks I'm too available or whatever. Surely you would just seem disinterested?