The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There are only 3 esters with the formula C4H8O2.

They are:
Reply 2
thanks :wink:
Reply 3
hmm next part, is working out the difference between what the nmr spectrum would look like between ethyl ethanoate and propyl methanoate. im utterly confused, i see no difference. both have a 3:2:3 ratio, and both have a singlet, doublet, and a triplet with the same relative no. of protons?!
propyl ethanoate is CH3CH2COOCH3
ethyl ethanoate is CH3COOCH2CH3

so you are quite correct with your assessment of the splitting and the integrals - the only difference in 1H NMR can be in the relative shift of each group.
Reply 5
Included are the 1H-NMR predictions for both ethyl ethanoate and propyl methanoate.

The central hydrogens in the propyl part of proryl methanoate should be next to carbons which contain 2 and 3 hydrogens and so are next to 5 in total which should give 6 splitting peaks.
Reply 6
cool, thanks. solved my problem :-p
2nd and third one are similar