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Reply 1
ask him about him. interests, music etc. does he play sport? does he support a certain team? etc.. :smile:
Reply 2
Getting your date to laugh would be a winner. I think self-depricating humour is the easist way. Good luck!
Go and see a film. Before, you can discuss what to see. During, no conversation required. After, you can talk about the film.

Reply 4
im off for an indian meal on saturday with him, ive already been out once. next time (if there is one) i may go cinema. id like to think there will be a third time :smile:
When me and my boyfriend first met he told me all this stuff I though he made a snake, a quad bike, his nipple pierced, and a load of other crazy stuff I thought he was making up, but we went back to his house and saw everything was true! *

Basically he was just showing off, but I loved it! :p:

*Ok, that stuff isn't really crazy, but at the time I was just amazed by him altogether, I didn't think it could get any better!
Reply 6
well im so happy right now i dont think i care WHAT we talk about!
That's just like how me and my boyfriend were... we spoke utter tripe most of the time, but it was just so great!!!! We could have been speaking about dead people and we would have been happy! (Ok, maybe that was just a bit too far!)
Reply 8
scary, we did speak about dead people last time. well it was to do with med schools lol and that someone didnt want to have anything to do with the dead. i laughed at it
Reply 9
Go for politics, religion and football teams. Winners every time.
Reply 10
Stirr clear of football if you don't know what you are on about...

I remember meeting one of my exboyfriend for the first time and i spent an hour going on about football scores... before he told me that those were hockey scores from a month ago...(i heard from someone was so embarrasing!)
i just use random one liners like "my friend ate a teabag the other day" random but you never know where the conversation will go from there...hehe..
Reply 12
yer just talk about things she likes and things you have done like the funniest and silliest just have a laugh!!!
Reply 13
I have this problem I always end up talking about really boring stuff like maths assignments or part time jobs. The only interesting things I can think of are like stuff my friends have done.
Reply 14
I always end up panicking and asking everyone what's their favourite type of tree.

Failing that I tend to quote large chunks of other people's stand up comedy... which goes down better but I don't always feel terribly original.
Reply 15
"So yersterday, I saw this drunk guy throw up...and then a pigeon ate it!"

Depends on the guy though...
i'll stay clear of politics and footy, i know nothing! I can talk about religion though! heh
Reply 17
Does nobody get the humour of my comment....*Sigh*

Those are the three topics of conversation advised to steer clear of when getting to know someone as they are most likely to cause conflict due to differing opinion, and thus dislike.
Reply 18
Does nobody get the humour of my comment....*Sigh*

Those are the three topics of conversation advised to steer clear of when getting to know someone as they are most likely to cause conflict due to differing opinion, and thus dislike.

Hey... I got it... :smile:

Although saying that, on my first date with my boyfriend we talked about death, religion, flying camels (honestly) and music- we're both musicians of some kind. The flying camels thing was a breather for both of us, as it was then we both found out we are two of the most random people... ever.

On our second date we went to the cinema and, as someone said, that was good because on the way home (he was driving) we were able to talk about the film... which was Hitch... and if anyone's seen it, they'll know it focuses on first kisses and how to do it/what to do which was kind of amusing... and helped break the ice in that department too. :biggrin:
Does nobody get the humour of my comment....*Sigh*

Those are the three topics of conversation advised to steer clear of when getting to know someone as they are most likely to cause conflict due to differing opinion, and thus dislike.

meh. if it fuels conversation, i say go for it. But yeah. I spoke of politics last time and a lot of people tend to have the same view on it. or at least we did anyway.