well, I have been in a sutiation with my BF when he behaved very agressive to me...and we also had a period when we fighted a lot...but we always found streight not make up and go on...
wanted to say 1st of all that you were very strong to get over the fact he did chaet on you, coz Id never be able to forgive it...you did great...and also wanted to say, that no one can actually tell you what you should do, coz anyway we dont know all ins and outs of the situation and we also cant see your feelings and his feelings...so, I think all you should do is calmely talk to ur BF, before that talk to yourself, think bout evrth and take your desicion, just try to understand what you really want, be with your bf, or withother guys and you dont want to be wiht your bf any longer...and then tell him ur decision...hope you will figure out what to do..just listen to your feelings and follow your heart =)
good luck =)