The Student Room Group

SAAS and Gap Years


I'm applying to English universities for 2007 entry. I have 2 offers still to receive, I've received the rest.

I've been looking on the SAAS site to see what the situation is, and am a little confused by the following:

"The new arrangements [of tuition fees up to £3000 in England] will NOT apply if you are accepted in 2005-2006 but take a gap year and do not start your course of studies until 2006-2007."

Surely, if you were to take a gap year, it would be after you have sat your final exams - May 2006 - and continue through 2006 into 2007. So, does this or does this not apply to me?

I have emailed them but I wondered if anyone here had any idea.
Reply 1
That'll be for people who applied last year and deferred entry - basically, if they'd gone to uni in 2005/06 (i.e. this year) they wouldn't have had top up fees so if they deferred entry until 2006/07 they still won't have to pay them. If you're only just applying now then I'm afraid it doesn't apply to you and you'll have to pay the top up fees whether you take a gap year or not.
Jenn xx